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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

Note: This issue drops the “The Mutant Misadventures Of…” portion of the title as it resumes simply being “Cloak & Dagger”
The issue begins with Dagger saying how happy she is to see the night lights; and that being blind has also taught her how to find balance in her own body and understand it much more. She dances on the rooftop, which Cloak is both happy and sad to see. Happy that she is again happy, sad because he wishes he could be her like a normal man would; but the curse of his powers would never permit it.
Scene shifts to Brigid and Rebecca checking out a murder scene where a man is pinned to a wall with a lance; and one of the officers found a small charm that has a Swastika with an eye in the center type symbol. Brigid and Rebecca discuss how it’s been four weeks since this started; with just as many murders; all Caucasian; three males, one female, all runaways who disappeared off the streets for a short while before turning up lanced to a wall. (Note: Due to an artist error, Brigid is drawn with both of her eyes again. This was an error that was fixed in the following issue).
Back to Cloak and Dagger they teleport back to the room and rest. Cloak however gets up and discovers he can now pass through solid objects, like a ghost. He goes into the room that Mr. Jip had used to spy on them previously and touches one of the pieces of furniture and is seemingly transported to something that resembles the room; but the walls and floor seem to be made of a flesh like substance. He manages to escape, puzzled by what he’s seen. He goes on patrol in the city and finds several teens beating on an elderly Holocaust survivor. He pulls all of the teenagers into his cloak and does not let them out as he teleports to Dagger and gets her to heal the Jewish man who had been beaten; but she arrives too late and he dies at her fingertips. He finally lets them out and calls Rebecca and Brigid who realize that the teens are too far gone, consumed with endless fear, from their over exposure in the shadows of Cloak’s robes. They do, however, find a Swastika with an eye in the center on one of the teens.
Tandy begins asking around and draws the attention of a man who invites her (after threatening her, and she didn’t back down) to a club called Ballistyx. She shows up and the man throws her into a sea of violence in front of the stage where a bad sings racist slurs of murder and death. Dagger uses her skill as a dancer and fighter to prove herself more than capable which draws the man’s attention further. He invites her upstairs where women battle with weapons, standing on the same symbol that they’d seen on the murdered victims. One of the women slashes the other across the neck, killing her – when suddenly a fire explodes from the center of the symbol sending everyone fleeing. Cloak grabs Dagger and teleports just outside, and the flames spout higher and higher…