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The issue begins with Power family having moved to Bainbridge Island, Washington, because their father had taken up a job teaching at the local university. Their father tells them to be more careful about using their powers outside where others might see them and Julie apologizes and explains that they will be more careful. Jack complains that Katie gets to play on the computer; and Katie corrects him and tells him that their Smartship’s AI is in the computer.
Meanwhile on the distant planet, New Kymellia, Yrik discovers that Emperor Bhadsha of the Snarks, who had been dying and then transported in Jakal’s body; was suddenly no longer present in the body, and that Jakal’s persona had taken over and reverted to his insane views he had previously as a Snark. (See Power Pack (Volume One) #25 for more details on the body switching). Yrik is taken prisoner and the mad Snark Queen, Maraud appears and Jakal bows to her. Maraud explains most of the Snark clans support them; but there’s a few to be dealt with, as well as the Earthlings, Power Pack.
Back on Earth, Alex gets to drive the car – and Jack watches, jealous. He notes that he’s tired of “Straight A’s – I Was A New Warrior” Alex; and that even after his youngest sister, Katie Power, who seems to be a computer genius, Jack has little to offer. Katie is also watching and admits to the Smartship AI in the computer that she’s nervous about starting a new school, and skipping ahead so many grades because of her aptitude. She also wonders why she’s not heard from the other Kymellians; and the Smartship AI assures her that they undoubtedly miss her; and that if there was any danger, they’d be the first to know.
Speaking of Kymellians, Yrik uses the coin that binds him to the rest of Power Pack, but several Snarks come in and begin beating on him. Elsewhere on the Snark world planet, the Emperor (which no one realizes is Jakal in body and mind now) fires down on the protective bio-domes of the opposing clans that do not fall in line with what he commands. On New Kymellia, one of the Snarks tells Kofi that Jakal has assumed control of the body and mind once more and attacking clans.
Back on Earth, Julie is helping her mother move her art supplies into a new office-shed on the property, when he mother explains she doesn’t feel well and goes to lie down. Julie finishes unpacking her mother’s art supplies and locks the shed behind her and turns and meets an attractive boy named Randy Allen who lives next door, and explains that he, like Julie, is also in Junior High.
Back on the Snark world, Emperor Jakal demands to know if they found the remains of Queen Destrak; to which his foot soldiers explain they haven’t. Below the surface, the Queen who opposes Jakal boards her escape skiff.
Back on Earth, the Power Pack kids show off their new costumes and begin to train; but when Alex (Zero-G) throws a stump he de-gravatizes at Jack (Mass Master), Jack takes his cloud form and Julie (Starstreak) easily dodges with her speed, forcing Katie (Energizer) to absorb it all at once; and she loses control and emits energizer balls in every direction, which Mass Master is forced to create a force field so none of them are incinerated. Katie yells at Alex for doing that, shouting about how he knows how scared she is of losing control and being a “monster” and throws it out there that she’s more intelligent than all of them combined. Jack join is, and throws out how Alex is showing off just because he graduated High School, got a permit to drive, and was a member of the New Warriors, that he is a terrible leader.
That night, Julie is in bed, wistfully thinking about the boy she’d met earlier (Randy Allen) and sees a light. She opens the door and a Snark shouts, “Emperor Jakal sends his regards!”