New Warriors #3

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I am, therefor I think.

The issue opens up with a large screen playing the battle of the New Warriors against the monstrous Juggernaut. A man for the Genetech Research Complex, and up and coming, research facility, is speaking about the New Warriors. His name is Walter Rosen.

Watching it all, the Thinker, with his android, Primus. A man by the name of Harmon Furmintz, a biochemical genius, and chief executive officer of Genetech welcomes Thinker onto their staff, to help them in a mysterious task…

Our next scene is Namorita, at Empire State University, studying with her two friends. She takes a break to take a swim through the pool, wondering about her grades, and all the money she has… however those thoughts are suddenly flushed from her mind, when she emerges, screaming in pain.

Mad Thinker and Primus enter the scene, apologizing to her, not wanting to cause her pain, but needing something about her unique physiology. They depart, giving Namorita a message about meeting some people at 10pm… who would abuse the ecosphere.

The next scene cuts to Speedball… where as Speedball heads for Hammond’s Research Lab, he finds himself snared by Primus. Even more strangely, it turns out to be the Mad Thinker, with Niles, Speedball’s cat who shares the same powers.

Mad Thinker informs him that he has learned all he needs to about Speedball, by studying the cat. He then leaves a message for Speedball to meet in the second most important place in his life at 10pm on Friday…

Our next scene flips to Dwayne meeting Sil, at her place of residence. After being attacked by a supposed gangster, it turns out to be Primus. After being thrown into the wall, Primus leaves a cryptic message of remember where Night Thrasher last had hope, and to meet there, Friday at 10pm…

Next we go to Nova… it begins with his father yelling at him, after Richard was fired from McDonald’s… Richard then goes to the gym, and while being heckled, simply makes a fool of two large body buildings, by picking up a set of weights one handed and setting it down… While quitting the gym, the receptionist gives him a note that reads, “Go to where your past, present, and future met itself, and see if you can’t rediscover yourself on Friday, 10pm…”

Next we go to Firestar… who is confronted by the Mad Thinker and Primus at her school… he informs her that she should go to where she first met up and confronted her fears, in order to get over them, at 10pm Friday…

And finally, we turn to Marvel Boy… where his father has just read his personal diary, and learned that Vance is once again using his powers… just as Vance’s father goes to punch him, Vance uses his telekenetic powers to slam him into the ceiling, and we learn that Vance and his father share an abusive relationship, where Vance was apparently frequently beat by his father… That’s when the message appears on the screen, about coming to find his future, – you guessed it – Friday, at 10pm…

Naturally, they all meet up there, except for Speedball. This is where Mad Thinker reveals, that each of them has a great potential for power. He is also explains that he has given information to Genetech, so they might be able to create super humans, to what he would assume to be, the highest bidders.

In a brief battle, where Night Thrasher knocks the head off of a android version of the Mad Thinker, they debate over what he had to say, once they realized they could not arrest him…

It was then that they decided they should stick together as a team, and that they were the way…

The way of the future.