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The issue begins with Cloak suddenly appearing in the hospital. He apologies to Dagger and despite the agony it causes him, he offers her back the life light she had used to feed his darkness, which restores Dagger. Dagger offers to show Captain O’Reilly and Father Francis how it works; saying as long as they hold Dagger’s hand, they will be safe inside Cloak’s shadows. They teleport out of the hospital and return to the Church.
Dagger begins to tell the background of her story, that her mother was a model and extremely rich, so Tandy always got what she wanted – except her mother’s love. She grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio which was a suburb of Cleveland. After ballerina, Tandy is approached by a neighbor named Rob Daltry who offers her a ride home; but Tandy attempts to ignore him as he continues to try and push it. She finally accepts the ride and goes home and her step-father, Phil, says he’d like to see her at the ballerina but Dagger says that he’s not her father and no one ever asked her how she felt about her mother marrying Phil because her father had took off to India. Rob was there for her to comfort her; but for his own selfish reason, and used Tandy until he was off to college. Tandy left shortly after that and headed to New York.
Tandy then begins to speak of Cloak’s origin, where Tyrone’s parents met with one of his teachers who spoke of his disability and his future outside of the school. Tyrone is outside playing basketball when one of the boys asked him how he was so good – and it’s revealed that Tyrone suffered from a severe stuttering problem. Tyrone’s friend, Billy, assured him that there was nothing to be ashamed of and if Tyrone ever needed a translator, he joked, he’d always be there, because they were friends for a long time, and had a future of friendship ahead of them. However, later, several thugs rob a store and shoot the store keeper in front of Tyrone and Billy. Billy confirms that the store keeper is dead, and freaks out. He begins to run as police arrive, even though he had nothing to do with it; and Tyrone tries to tell the officer not to shoot, but due to his stuttering he’s unable to get it out before the officer pulls the trigger and shoots Billy in the back, killing him. Tyrone suffered from the guilt that his disability made it so he could not say the words that might have saved his friend’s life. Tyrone ran away to New York.
There, a woman tried to steal Tandy’s purse and Tyrone stopped the woman and recovered the purse. Tandy offered to buy Tyrone a hamburger as a way of saying thanks. Tandy offers to pay for Tyrone’s room somewhere, and Tyrone walks off. Tandy apologizes for offending him and follows him out where several men offer them a place to stay.
Tyrone and Tandy and knocked out and abducted and taken to Ellis Island. A pharmaceutical chemist named Simon Marshall was developing and experimenting on highly addictive drugs that would ideally be cheaper than heroine to make, and experimenting on runaways to see the effects of the drugs. All the other runaways experimented on died from the process; but Tyrone and Tandy survived and escaped, being fired at. They swam off of Ellis Island, and Tandy’s body began to glow, while Tyrone’s body was covered in darkness. When they made it to shore, some thugs approached them, and Tandy and Tyrone discovered the powers that they now had thanks to the drug injections that had killed the others.
Captain O’Reilly explained that there was no way, without evidence that she could do; but she would not harass them further. Father Francis simply said he would pray for Cloak and Dagger to become whole again and find the peace they deserved.