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This issue begins with the Emperor of the Snarks (Emperor Bhadsha) shouting at the snark named Maraud, who he claims wants him dead. Maraud explains that he’s only checking on him, and that his recent illness has all the snarks concerned. He goes on to say that the Kymellians did not respond to his request to come and see if he’s been poisoned, as the root of her recent illness.
Maraud then leaves and summons her chancellor to her side where she shows him a new device that she calls the Reality Bender. She shows him that the ship is able to take the form of a much dreaded alien bird named a Jub-Jub. But she explains the true purpose for it is to use it to go to Earth under a normal Earth like vessel and track down and capture the Power Pack children and find Jackl, whom she still believes to be alive.
Franklin awakens and it seems it was a part of his dream; but outside his window he sees an alien ship and his scream draws the attention of the Avengers butler, Jarvis, where Franklin is staying. Jarvis assures him that it wasn’t a space ship, but rather just a cloud; and even as Franklin looks outside, it does seem to resemble a cloud suddenly.
At school, Alex is walking with the girl he likes – Allison – when she talks about the Valentine’s Day Dance, Alex scoffs. She gets angry and storms off, and Alex’s rival at school, a bully named John, trips Alex as he’s chasing after her – and goes to chase down Allison himself to ask her to the dance.
The Power kids show up at Avengers mansion and ask Jarvis if Franklin can come with them to do some sledding in the snow. The Power kids then use their powers to get their faster, unaware that Snarks are waiting for their power signatures to trigger to allow them to be tracked down. At the sledding hill, Alex sees Allison and Johnny sledding, and when their sled crashes, Alex rushes to her – but she leaves with Johnny yet again.
The scene changes to the Kymellian, Kofi, riding in the Smartship, Friday, concerned how his father, Lord Yrik is going to be upset that he got his father’s Smartship, Datta, killed and destroyed. Kofi lands and is greeted by the Snarks, whom the Kymellians have had a long lasting uneasy understanding of one another. Kofi sends the Smartship back to Earth, and just moments later, Maraud traps Kofi. Maraud questions how Kofi survived, when Jackyl had said he had killed him; and then he questioned the whereabouts of Jakyl himself.
Cutting back to the Power kids and Franklin sledding, Franklin has a vision of Allison drowning in the frozen lake. Alex looks and sees that Johnny and Allison are sliding down a hill at incredible speeds and rushes over there to topple them. He explains to Allison that he was concerned about her safety and she asks why he cares, if he doesn’t care enough to go to the dance. He explains he’d go to the dance, but he doesn’t know how to dance, and he’s embarrassed he’d make a fool of himself in front of her. Furious, Johnny throws a snowball at Alex, but misses and strikes Allison in the face. Alex grows furious and for a moment, uses his power to slam Johnny on the ground. Allison looks at the sled and sees it sinking into the frozen lake.
The Power Pack kids bid farewell to Franklin at Avengers mansion where Katie drops her glove accidentally. Jarvis catches up to them and drops off the glove and signals down a bus for them. The Power Pack kids get on the bus, as does Jarvis; but it’s revealed to be the Snark ship in disguise! Alex screams that Allison will think he stood her up for the dance!
At Avenger’s mansion, Franklin sees the ship clearly this time, as it leaves Earth’s atmosphere…!