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Return to Power Pack – Into the Storm Issue Directory!
As Power Pack exits the crashed Brood ship, Storm greets them with Friday, their Smartship. Storm tells them to get into Friday, who claims that he can follow Mayhem up until she warps – so if they want to rescue Kofi, Franklin and Princess Djinna – they need to get in Friday now.
The Power Pack kids ask about Storm and she explains that they must go without her; for the Brood, led by Queen B’rute have emerged from their ship and they’re swarming. She assures them that because of this planet’s electrical nature she will be able to take care of herself. She tells Friday to signal the Galactic Authorities when he’s able to. Power Pack gets into Friday who blasts off, while staring out the window, down at Storm as the Brood begin to swarm around her; they watch as Storm summons a massive tempest and electrical storm to begin striking down the swarming Brood.
Aboard Mayhem’s ship, she’s wrapped Kofi in the same neuralfibers that renders him unconscious; and she throws him into a corner where the bodies of Franklin Richards and Princess Djinna are also unconscious. Franklin warms Mayhem that if she removes the device dampening his powers, that everything will go wrong. Mayhem has little care for Franklin’s warnings. Once again, still trapped in his dream-self, he returns to Storm on the electrical planet who is still battling the Brood and explains what’s happening. Storm tells Franklin that Power Pack is in Friday giving chase to Mayhem’s ship. Franklin’s dream-self returns to Mayhem’s ship and startles her, just as Friday lands on top of her ship – and just in time as Mayhem uses her ship’s warp capability to return to her deceased mother’s secret base.
Back to Friday, who detached just as Mayhem came out of warp to prevent being detected, has Power Pack staring out at the base – and they recognize it as the Technocrat’s Satellite – except that was supposedly destroyed! (See Power Pack – Holiday Special)
After seeing Mayhem leave her ship with two prisoners, Power Pack rushes in and discovers that it was Princess Djinna who Mayhem had left behind (for now). Power Pack quickly frees her of the neuralnet. Elsewhere, Mayhem puts Franklin’s captured body in a pod and then tells Franklin’s dream-self to return to his body or else Mayhem was going to kill Kofi. Franklin decides that he can’t be held responsible for Kofi’s death and returns to his body. A short time later, Power Pack discovers Kofi’s body still wrapped in the neuralnet and free him of it – and he explains that Mayhem intends to unlock Franklin’s full power and absorb it into herself and prove herself as the ultimate clan-war leader of the Snarks! Katie uses her power to destroy the door – and inside they see Mayhem has already begun the transfer process – and despite the warning that Mayhem’s brother tried something similar with absorbing Kymellian powers – Mayhem says that Franklin is human and should be no problem!