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The issue opens at the wake for Derek. Derek’s sister finds Connor and speaks to him. Connor shares his grief with Sarah; but Sarah is bitter as people outside attempt to snap photos and she explains how Derek spent his whole life trying to live up to Connor, always in Connor’s shadow; and even now, in death he remains in Connor’s shadow – and that everyone standing outside isn’t out there for Derek – they’re out there to take a glimpse at Connor, the big basketball star (because she, nor the general public, is aware of Connor’s medical condition).
When Coach Woodward comes looking for Connor, Sarah marches off growling how even more people were looking for Connor at her brother’s funeral. Coach Woodward offers Connor a letter of acceptance into the ESU college.
Shawn arrives and tells Connor to come with him and that if he doesn’t he will kill everyone in the funeral home; revealing with a shine of his eye, that Shawn too, had now been technologically advanced. Shawn demands Connor to take him to the armor; in response, Connor transforms into Darkhawk and explains the armor is attached to him. In response to that, Shawn too, reveals he can transform – after having been technologically mutated. Shawn explains that it’s nanotech that he’s using thanks to Mr. Colt. Darkhawk uses a passing train to try and make his escape; but Shawn is easily able to catch up to Darkhawk and continue the fight. And though Shawn seems to be the superior fighter, Darkhawk suddenly unleashes several weapons (seen during War of the Kings from Darkhawk) and renders Shawn unconscious. Connor hears his phone and swaps back to humor form and sees missed calls and voicemails from his father, who inquires where Connor is at. Miles arrives as Spider-Man and helps defeat Shawn, who is arrested and imprisoned.
We see that Connor attempts to call Sarah, who doesn’t answer his call; we see Connor’s father working at a moving job, explaining the insurance coverage is needed; and finally, a scene where Connor confesses to his basketball team his medical condition; and the team shows their support, assuming something was wrong and that they’d always be there for him.
The scene shifts and we see Darkhawk on his ship, saying, “Don’t worry Connor, everything changes.” And it appears to be Chris Powell in his original Darkhawk armor, though without seeing a face, it’s never confirmed.