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The issue begins with Sam, as Nova, carrying things into the house, helping his family move into their new place. After finishing with the moving, Nova tell his mother that he will be back and zips off into space, into the heavily defended homeworld of the Chitauri, using a meteor to hide his entrance into their atmosphere. From there, he manages to sneak into the catacombs beneath the arena. He attacks the guards, demanding to know where his father is. He eventually makes his way to the leader of the Chitauri. The leader takes him to the cell that had been his father’s, where a note says, “Sorry I missed you, kiddo. See you at home.” Nova demands to know how he can be sure that the Chitauri isn’t lying, so the leader of the Chitauri provides a video that documents the escape of the gladiators, including Sam’s father. Sam ends up helping some other Chitauri guards, who were bound for the area, for failing to stop the escape.
Many light years away, Sam’s father is on a ship with an assortment of aliens, none of which can seem to get along. In the meantime, Sam returns home and tells his mother about the fate of the Watcher, as well as how his father is alive, having fought as a gladiator and made their escape. At school, things take a worse as Sam finds himself being expelled by the principal who notes that Sam has missed too many days.