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Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Criminal, Scientist
Citizenship: Citizen of the Aerie
Place of Birth: Sky Island
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Avians, Terrible Trio, Blastaar
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #2
History: Condor, originally from the Avian spin off of the Inhumans, came to Earth with hopes of using his knowledge, technology and powers to become a powerful crime lord. He found an amnesiac Powerhouse and tricked him into believing that Condor had saved his life and that he’d been the sole survivor of a shipwreck. Together, they clashed with Richard Rider, better known as Nova while trying to recover from the Mummy of Tuchankahn; but during the fight, Powerhouse knocked Nova into the mummy’s case, destroying the parchment that Condor had sought. He quickly left Powerhouse to defend for himself, as he abandoned his former companion.
Condor later finds that Diamondhead, after fighting Nova, manages to escape and approaches him to make a deal to fight “the dreaded one.” Diamondhead agrees to the partnership. The two of them venture and rescue Powerhouse from the hospital where he was being sedated to keep from absorbing power. The three of them then attacked Nova, where Condor learned that Nova was linked to an alien computer more advanced than his own technology. He then uses is mind control machine to take over Nova’s mind – and in this mentally controlled Nova claims leadership over the Terrible Trio. (All the while, the Sphinx observes this, with Sayge watching on)
The four of them make their way to Rhomann Dey’s ship, where Nova regains control of himself – and during the fight is slammed into the controls – where the ship takes off. Powerhouse, Diamondhead and Condor escape but the door slams shut, shunting Nova into space. The three of them confront Sphinx, who Condor had feared was coming and lose quickly to Sphinx. Sphinx’s assistant shoots Condor with his own memory wiping gun, wiping Condor’s memory. Sphinx then transformers Condor’s body into an actual condor.
Condor was eventually spared the fate of remaining stuck in condor form when he finally came across Bird-Brain and the Ani-Mates. Bird-Brain sensed that the condor before him wasn’t a “real” condor and used technology to revert Condor back into a (semi) humanoid form. This would bring Condor in a confrontation with Nova, yet again; once more losing to the human rocket.
When Condor was brought into custody after attacking Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four) and Nova; Red Raven of the Avians, musters up a force to capture and bring Condor back to face crimes among the Sky Island Avians; but Nova convinces Red Raven to prevent the all out attack.
Condor next appears, as one of the villains left behind in Negativ Zone 42 prison, where he’d allied himself with Blastaar against Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Condor next appears as an inmate of the Pleasant Hill, where his full memory was restored by Baron Zemo and Fixer, and he joined a number of villains in attacking S.H.I.E.L.D. which brought him against the Avengers.
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 213 lbs
Eyes: Red (formerly Brown)
Hair: Bald (formerly Black)
Powers: Condor posses the superhuman ability to fly by means of natural wings and are fully feathered like a bird’s. His anatomy is naturally adapted to flying; his bones are hollow like a birds, making him weight less than an average human (body wise, but his massive wing span makes him weigh more than a human his size and build). His eyes are adapted to withstand high speed winds and can breathe air in high altitude and velocity effortlessly.