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The issue begins with Katie being extremely bored; she torments Julie, asks if Alex wants to practice their powers, and pulls a practical joke on Jack, before her mom comes out and tells Katie to never play practical jokes because it can seriously hurt someone.
At the Four Freedom’s Plaza, Franklin is also bored and decides to look for his father, Reed Richards, to see if he will play with him. But his father is busy with an experiment, and the distraction nearly incinerates Franklin. Franklin then goes and finds Johnny Storm and jumps on his back, just as he’s about to flame on. Ben Grimm is in bed sick, and his mother, Sue Richards, tells Franklin to return to his room.
Franklin uses his “Dream Walk” to meet up with Katie at her place, who is also bored – but they do find a television show called Madcap Mystery Hour. Both think that he seemed like a fun person who might be willing to play. Franklin uses his “Dream Walk” and locates Madcap and he agrees to go on a “fun adventure.” Katie uses her power and flies out the window and meets Franklin with Madcap. Madcap’s insanity – and immortality – lead to a number of very unusual adventures (his head crushed in a trash compactor, a stick through his temple, forcing people to do insane things, among other things). Katie and Franklin finally stop Madcap and his madness and explain they’re not having fun. They eventually simply part ways.