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Real Name: M’Gula
Aliases: Curtis Harris, Michael Gula
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Professional Criminal
Citizenship: Rudyardian Citizen with a Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Viceroy, Rudyarda
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Serpent Society, Army of Evil, Serpent Solutions
First Appearance: Captain America #341
History: It’s unclear if M’Gula is a mutant (born with his powers) or a mutate, as early on in his criminal career in Africa, he was known to use weapons provided to him by A.I.M. (which means A.I.M. may have potentially mutated him, rather than him being a mutant born with his powers). M’Gula adopted the moniker “Rock Python” due to his rock-hard skin. He would go on to leave his criminal career in Africa for a far more lucrative offer, when Viper (Madame Hydra) sought to take over Serpent Society. She recruited Rock Python (among others) to infiltrate Serpent Society from within, which they successfully accomplished – and with Viper at the head, took over Serpent Society. Sidewinder, who almost died, managed to escape with the help with one of his loyal members, Diamondback.
Diamondback was then able to get Captain America’s help, who brought Nomand, Falcon and Demolition Man to help take down Serpent Society. Rock Python was soundly defeated by Jack Monroe, better known as Nomad. With Viper defeated, Serpent Society would again reform – however, Sidewinder wanted nothing to do with it, having felt betrayed, so King Cobra took over Serpent Society leadership. Despite his betrayal, Rock Python and the other members of Viper’s crew were offered membership, and Rock Python accepted.
When it was discovered that Diamondback was dating Captain America, King Cobra grew paranoid that she was providing him with inside information about Serpent Society – and King Cobra held a vote, believing she should be killed for her betrayal – but Rock Python, among a few others voted against that – but it was already too late. They were going to kill her, when Sidewinder returned the favor and rescued Diamondback. Rock Python, Puff Adder and Anaconda, were sent to Diamondback’s apartment where they found Captain America. Rock Python had managed to defeat Captain America, but was called back by King Cobra.
When Asp and Black Mamba were discovered in siding with Diamondback, King Cobra sent Rock Python, Anaconda, and Puff Adder to find them – but they were ambushed by M.O.D.A.M., at which point Rock Python was thrown off the hovercraft they’d been on and was captured by Captain America, and questioned about Diamondback’s whereabouts.
Later, Rock Python adopted the identity of a guard name Curtis Harris, where he worked at a Federal Depository CSA Storage Facility, next to the bank. Jack Monroe, as Nomad, discovered the truth of the matter – that he’d been casing the bank next door. After a brief fight between the two, Nomad convinced Rock Python to give up the life of crime and continue as an honest security guard.
Rock Python, along with several other members of Serpent Society, briefly joined an organization known as Army of Evil, until reforming and resurfacing as Serpent Solutions, under the new leadership of a new Viper who called himself Pit Viper. They fell under the sway of Mephisto and would go one to try and call him forward using an ancient relic and completing a dark ritual – however, Mephisto seemingly betrayed them or all together ignored them, and Serpent Solution were defeated by the newly form AVENGE.R.S.
Height: 5’11
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Powers: M’Gula posses superhuman strength and stamina beyond standard human limits, though never fully tested. This may be in part due to his skin, muscular tissue and bones are all superhumanly durable, capable of resisting injury or harm from impacts of high caliber firearms, falls of up to ten stories, explosions equal to 500 kilos of dynamite, and extreme temperatures.
Weapons: Rock Python wields an unspecified number of weapons he calls ‘snake eggs.’ When thrown, these eggs release on impact a cluster of ribbons made of a substance equivalent to high-tensile steel with which he can entrap an opponent.