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The issue begins with a young woman named Angela Hernandez standing before the Holy Ghost Church and recalling how this had once been the church sent went to, before Father Francis Delgado had a mental breakdown and was taken away, which resulted in the church closing down. (See the Marvel Graphic Novel #34 – Cloak & Dagger: Predator and Prey for more details). She sneaks inside, while Cloak and Dagger teleport into the confession booth; unaware that’s where Angela is headed. Inside she asks for forgiveness for there is a sin of which she is aware of but never spoke against it. She goes on to explain that her boyfriend – whom she loved with all her life – a young man named Caesar Cirigliano had wanted to find a way to give Angela the life she deserved – not one of this poverty that they had both been living in. He had tried small time theft, despite Angela’s protests, before up-scaling his ideas of theft by breaking into a research lab where scientists were working on a way to simulate the blasts that the mutant Cyclops was able to emit from his eyes – using technology. Caesar watched as they successfully tested the machine which would be in turn used to get the scientists a military contract. Leaving the room happy, Caesar then broke in and donned the equipment on, stopping a guard with a single blast.
Caesar returned to Angela, but she was not interested, as Caesar adopted the name The Zapper and began doing criminal activities to earn financial gain.
Angela leaves the confessional booth and the Church, and Cloak says that they must stop the Zapper. Dagger says they shouldn’t interfere because Angela came to the confessional booth seeking to have a private conversation with her Lord. Cloak retorts that they had seen first hand, how useless “divine intervention” was (referring to Father Francis’ repeated attempts of asking the Lord to save Dagger from Cloak’s darkness). Dagger convinces Cloak that the better option would be to save Caesar and show him the error of his ways.
Angela arrives back at her apartment and finds Caesar in his “Zapper” outfit talking to several others of his newly formed gang. Some of them question the idea of robbing an armored truck; because they usually stuck to small time stuff. Zapper shoots him with his blast, injuring the one questioning him. The rest agree to help Zapper. Angela tries to stop him, but he refuses and she realizes that he is the one that wants the wealth and power; and that perhaps it was never about Caesar doing this for her.
Cloak and Dagger arrive as Zapper takes down several guards for the armored truck. Dagger hits him with light daggers and knocks him down, as Cloak sweeps him into the darkness of his robes. For a moment, Caesar sees himself with money and women surrounding him; but that scene changes to him being gunned down by police officers. He then sees himself in prison as Angela is getting married (note: Oddly enough, he calls out Jamie as her name). He uses his blast powers out of anger, which propels him, surprisingly out of the shadows of Cloak’s robes. Caesar immediately removes the armor and realizes all that he’s done and freely surrenders himself to the police, and hopes that Angela will wait for him to be free from prison, so that he can make things right again.