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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

The issue opens up with Dagger feeding Cloak’s darkness. Cloak explains that the darkness in him is hungrier than ever, because when Ecstasy wore the cloak she did not care about taking lives; innocent or otherwise. Dagger explains that she wants to go see Francis Delgado in the hospital, and Cloak voices his concerns about still not trusting him.
Elsewhere, Brigid O’Reilly who had died and become Mayhem, has mysteriously been given life anew; with a slightly different look and an eye patch. Rebecca “Rusty” Nales asks her about her miraculous resurrection, but Brigid explains she is not ready yet. Rebecca goes to work at the department and a disembodied voice from behind Brigid’s patch tells her to lift the patch or suffer the consequences. As Dagger visits with him, she thanks him for saving her life; but the entire time he’s thinking of different ways to kill Dagger; if only Mr. Jip would give him the go ahead to do so.
Elsewhere in the hospital Doctor Moon argues with Mr. Blaisdell about the victims he’s brought in; all of them near death or dying. Mr. Blaisdell explains these are soldiers that willing went through some experiments for the betterment of the country. Just then a riot breaks out and a group calling themselves “X-Force” (no relation to the X-Force team consisting of former New Mutants, led by Cable). Each of them is modeled after a member of the X-Men (even going as far as using their names – there’s some originality for you!) – including: Dazzler [light manipulation], Colossus [height and strength], Storm [manipulate existing atmospheric conditions], Rogue [absorb calcium from a victim causing immense pain], and Havok [manipulate mental state and cause hallucinations]. (Note: The characters would later change their name; Colossus changed to The Wall, Storm changed to Tempest and Havok changed to Bedlam). Cloak and Dagger get dragged into the fight in hopes of calming it down. Rolland Blaisdell commands his guards to fire and shoot to kill. Both “Dazzler” and “Rogue” are hit; and go down – the others quickly make their escape to the roof.
Elsewhere, the Marked Man appears and renders a woman unconscious and carves the word “Shoplifter” on her forehead before departing.
Back at the hospital, the surviving members of “X-Force” run into Cloak & Dagger on the roof. Doctor Moon explains that Blaisdell took willing soldiers and exposed them to high amounts of radiation in hopes of replicating the experiments that led to Bruce Banner turning into the Incredible Hulk, as a military weapon; or even reproducing the exposure of radiation that led to the creation of the Fantastic Four. However, several who adopted X-Men names such as “Longshot” and “Psylocke” died very early in the testing. And most recently, the one who adopted the name “Wolverine” had died. On the roof, Blaisdell shows up and the others discover that the one who adopted the name “Rogue” was siding with him for the betterment of their country. A fight breaks out, but Cloak teleports “Colossus”, “Storm”, “Havok”, along with Doctor Moon and Dagger away. The surviving members of “X-Force” are given clothes; and this is when they adapt their new names of The Wall, Tempest and Bedlam, respectively, and part ways and leave with Doctor Moon.