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The issue opens up with the Queen of the Snarks successfully transporting Alex, Jack and Julie’s powers into her son Jakal. Jakal is about ready to kill the three Power children, when the Queen reminds him that they need them as hostages to lure Katie and Kofi to try and rescue them.
The scene shifts to the Burrowers who have Katie and Yrik with them. Katie tries to make a passage way larger for Yrik, but slips in the stream, and releases an energy ball that strikes the ceiling and brings it down crashing around them.
On the surface, several Snarks rush in to tell the Queen that her chancellor, Hadj has attacked the Emperor. The Queen says that she will send Jakal after the deed is done to show her disapproval.
Back on Earth, James Power speaks with his wife about their missing children then steps outside, to be greeted by Dagger (of Cloak & Dagger) who informs him that she too will help in finding his missing children.
Back on Snarkworld, Jakal uses his new found powers to hoist the captured Power children and display them through the city.
In space, Kofi comes up with the idea to have Franklin use his “dream walk” power to find the Power Pack children so that Kofi can go down there and teleport them away. Franklin appears where Katie originally was; but she’s buried beneath stone. His dream self disappears just as Yrik pulls himself free from being buried. He pulls out Katie who is dying; and the Burrowers tell him that he must try to heal the “Starchild.”
Back on the Snarkworld surface, Hadj reveals that she’s trying to heal the Emperor; but it turns out that the power transfer eventually kills Snarks. The Queen shows up and commands Jakal to take the Emperor from the balcony. Franklin, during all this, locates Alex, Julie and Jack. Franklin contacts Kofi to come teleport and grab them; but Kofi instead grabs the Emperor who has been thrown from the balcony by Jakal. Kofi and Fraanklin prompt Emperor Bhadsha up to speak to those pursing them; but they claim that the Queen warned them that the Kymellians have a robot of the Emperor, and that it would be a trick.
On Snarkworld, Jakal says that keep Jack, Julie and Alex was no longer worth it; and just then, Katie shows up, fully energized. Katie makes a deal that Jakal can take her but her siblings get to go free. Jakal agrees to the deal, and grabs Katie by the throat; making it so only his charred hand is solid while the rest of his body is still in cloud form. Jack points out that he was never able to do that. In the chaos that follows with the Snarks going to war on different factions; Jack, Julie and Alex escape with Yrik and the Burrowers.
Above them, Jakal is forced by his mother to do the power transfer from Katie to him so that he absorbs her power. The Power kids grab Katie when the crystal explodes, and Jakal gives chase; and he’s surprised when he suddenly loses his ability to control gravity, but Jack is suddenly floating (having the power that was formerly Alex’s). Moment later, Julie finds that she’s able to turn her body into clouds (having the power that was formerly Jack’s). When Katie falls into a hole, she suddenly emerges with a rainbow trail behind her, able to fly (having the power that was formerly Julie’s). Alex ends up with the disintegration power (having the power that was formerly Katie’s). Jakal realizing that his mother set him up to die uses his last remaining power to help heal the Emperor, his father, and restore order among the Snarks in a way that no one would have expected. With the help of the Kymellians, the Emperor’s body (which was poisoned by a poison with no cure) was set to die; while his mind was transferred into Jakal’s body.