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The issue begins with Cloak, Rebecca “Rusty” Nales, and Brigid O’Reilly in the North Pole, and Rebecca explains that according to Brigid’s memory, Mr. Jip’s headquarters should be close by, because this is where she traded her soul to be changed from Mayhem to the mortal Brigid O’Reilly once again. Cloak explains that he has to go back to New York because he had a ghostly vision of Dagger in trouble.
Speaking of Dagger, aboard the plane, Delgado who is truly Mr. Jip in disguise thinks how everything is going according to plan. Cloak has worn himself out teleporting around; Dagger is with Mr. Jip on the way to Doctor Doom, to get her out of the way; and that his lackey, Night, is still at his fortress waiting for Brigid and Rebecca to kill them.
Cloak arrives at the Holy Ghost Church and finds Father Mike, bleeding out, still barely clutching to life. He discovers that Mr. Jip is Delgado and took Dagger to the airport. Cloak immediately grabs him and teleports him to a nearby hospital to get him immediate care.
Elsewhere, Mr. Jip attempts to seize control of Brigid’s mind and have her cut Rebecca’s line as she’s scaling down a mountain, but through immense pain, Brigid manages to fight off Mr. Jip’s influence for now.
Onboard the plane, Dagger’s blindness makes her hearing acutely aware; and she hears the “whirring” of the machines on the plane pretending to be passengers, and realizes not all is what it seems. She puts up a fight but is eventually rendered unconscious by Mr. Jip.
Cloak teleports to the airport where Dagger’s plane is landing and pulls the entire plane inside the shadows of his cloak; and demons attack the plane and begin ripping it apart. The demons get inside the plane and at that moment, Cloak appears demanding that Mr. Jip surrender Dagger to him immediately. Mr. Jip seeing the demons realize he’s as good as dead, so he tries to strike a deal with Cloak – allow Mr. Jip to escape and he will restore Dagger’s site.
At Mr. Jip’s base – he restores Dagger’s sight – but then betrays Cloak. At that moment, Brigid, Rebecca and even Night enter. Mr. Jip is surprised to see that the two detectives are not dead; and that Night is with them. Night explains that Mr. Jip had promised to heal her friend and fellow partner, Day – but Mr. Jip went against the deal and had let him die; so she was always looking for a way to extract revenge. He attempts to try to have Brigid kill Rebecca, but her gun is empty. But Rebecca draws her gun – which is not empty – and puts a bullet through Mr. Jip’s head, turning his body to ash. Night looks at the ashes and says, “That was for Day, the only person I ever truly loved in life.” Dagger thanks her for her help, but Night assures her they’re still enemies. Just then Mr. Jip’s fortress comes apart, and Night is seemingly buried beneath an avalanche of stone while Cloak teleports Dagger, Brigid and Rebecca back to New York; in the apartment complex that Tandy’s stepfather and the Power children (from Power Pack) live in. Tandy sees her stepfather and comments on his choice of clothes; and he’s happy to see that she can see again.
Elsewhere, Doctor Doom shelves the book that he gained from Mr. Jip, knowing he will never see the foul creature again.