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The issue begins with the Snarks realizing that the children have escaped somehow; and that they’re meeting with the Mothership in one hour.
Elsewhere, a pair of Snarks looking for Power Pack, discovers them as one of the pipes on the ceiling breaks, and reveals their hiding spot. Julie is grabbed and faints, so Jack using his shrinking trick to render one of the Snarks unconscious. Alex grabs Julie and Katie powers up by absorbing the Snark’s gun that it dropped when knocked out.
Alex is shot in the shoulder, but he and the rest of Power Pack manage to escape into an elevator. But the Snark who shot Alex reports to the others where Power Pack is! The elevator comes to a stop where several armed Snarks are ready to grab Power Pack – but Katie unleashes one of her power balls that strikes the control panel, causing a massive explosion. In all the excitement, Katie melts the floor they’re on and falls through with Julie chasing her. Out of fear, Katie emits another energy ball that strikes the elevator, sending Alex and Jack falling down the shaft as well, with Julie chasing after Katie.
Julie manages to grab Katie and dip into a hole in the elevator shaft, as the elevator with Alex and Jack zooms past them, with Alex trying to using his own power to negate the gravity of the elevator’s fall. Alex and Jack are captured by Snarks, while Julie and Katie are forced to escape. Jack manages to reduce his density so much that he’s able to escape the beam, while Alex positions his feet against the wall and uses his own power to keep him mounted there.
Julie and Katie find their mother and father wrapped up and in suspended animation, while Jack uses his shrinking power to take down the Snark controlling the capture grid, which frees Alex. Alex then uses his power to lift a piece of machine and smash it against the thing holding down the Smartship, Friday. Julie and Katie reunite with Alex and Jack, with their parents still wrapped up, and escape in the Smartship, Friday, who blasts a hole in the hull of the Snark ship. Other members of the Kymellian race show up and keep the Snarks busy, and prevent them from giving pursuit. Aboard Friday, a holographic image of a Kymellian named Byrel appears seeking to learn how Alefyre managed to transfer his abilities to humans. Power Pack explains what happened, and Byrel explains that he now has four grandsons, revealing that Alefyre was his only child. Katie gives Byrel her tooth that fell out earlier in the elevator, and Byrel thanks her and departs. Under Katie’s pillow she finds a coin with Byrel’s photo on it and thanks the tooth fairy.