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The issue begins with Connor trying to text Derek, who isn’t replying – unfortunately, Derek was murdered last issue by “Mr. Colt” – but Connor isn’t aware of that.
At the doctors, Connor learns that he has more lesions on his brain – and it seems to be increasing in an alarming amount. Connor asks what could be causing it – primarily could rigorous exercise or perhaps elevation cause it (believing that perhaps his time as Darkhawk is impacting his health).
At home, Connor concerned about his friend, begins filming a video on his phone where he explains there was a comet – and it turned out to be the gem amulet that turns him into Darkhawk – and the explosion at the warehouse, near the pier, it’d been a Roxxon establishment and one of the people whom he’d saved said how in the armor, Connor resembled another hero named “Darkhawk” which is the name he took on. Connor ends up deleting the video just as his father calls Connor to come down.
Connor’s life is about to drastically change, yet again.
Connor makes his way down the stairs where he greeted by his father and Coach Pavlich, both of whom look grim – where they break the news of Derek’s murder. A short time later, Connor leaves and tracks down Shawn Trella at the pool hall and asks Shawn what he knows about Derek’s murder. Shawn says it’s a shame what happened to Derek; but if Connor sees Derek’s family, to please send his regards; especially to Derek’s sister – which clearly shows that Shawn has no remorse for Derek’s death. Shawn tells Connor to back down and that Connor has good things coming his way and not to ruin it – and to get gone before things go poorly. Connor leaves, but returns a second later as Darkhawk going after Shawn. He flies up in the air with Shawn and releases him allowing Shawn to plummet nearly to his death before grabbing him – and Shawn confesses that it was “Mr. Colt” who killed Derek – but he only knows that “Mr. Colt” likes to operate out of Hunts Point, recruiting people from the old McMann Distro Center – which is exactly where Darkhawk heads next.
When Darkhawk tracks Mr. Colt down – he discovers that Mr. Colt has surrounded himself with people who have been technologically modified. During the fight, the abilities of the original Darkhawk are revealed to him which he uses during the battle; but he’s still forced to escape due to the extensive damage and crashes into the water – saved by Miles Morales, dressed in his Spider-Man costume.