Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: Mr. Negative, Negative Man, Martin Li
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Crime Lord, drug lord; philanthropist
Citizenship: Chinese
Place of Birth: Fujian Providence, China
Known Relatives: Yana Li (Fictional Wife)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance:
 Free Comic Book Day 2007 (Spider-Man) #1
History: Involved in human trafficking in China while belonging to a gang known as the Snakeheads, he smuggled Chinese immigrants into the United States under the command of his crime boss, Silver Fang. During the operation, the ship had nearly crashed and he adopted the name of one of the slain Fujian Slaves, by the name of “Martin Li” which became his identity.

He was eventually captured by the Maggia crime family member, Silvermane, and delivered to a chemist by the name of Simon Marshall who had been developing a drug called “D-Lite” for the Maggia, testing on runaways – with fatal results. However, three of the runaways who would be tested upon would survive the ordeal – Tyrone “Ty” Johnson, Tandy Bowen, and “Martin Li” – each of them becoming Cloak, Dagger, and Negative Man, respectively.

For the man who was calling himself “Martin Li” – the drug not only granted him powers, as it had done with Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen – but it had another effect – it split his personality in two – with a kind hearted “Martin Li” persona and the twisted, villainous, “Mister Negative” persona; the latter persona swore to rule over Chinatown’s Kingping of Crime, and swore a vengeance to eradicate the Maggia.

The persona of Marin Li became known as an illegal Chinese immigrant, who had been the sole survivor when the ship he was aboard, ran afoul when a storm struck just outside of New York, sinking the ship. He’d come to America to be with his wife because in China, he had run a factory but lacked the resources to bribe the Communist Party.

As Mister Negative, he took over the White Dragon gang, then used them to take down and absorb the presence of the Snakeheads gang into his own organization. He’d even saved Martin Li’s real wife, Yana, who had been abducted to be used as collateral.

As Martin Li, he ran a volunteer kitchen group called F.E.A.S.T. whose food, had somehow – and still unknown how – seemed to have a healing ability to cure people of certain maladies. One of the people that Martin Li employed was Eddie Brock, whom he was able to cure of his cancerous cells, which allowed the Venom symbiote to fuse with Brock’s white blood cells, creating Anti-Venom, which appeared during a fight with a man named Mac Gargan, who at the time had been the current Venom. Brock would be the first to truly discover that Martin Li and Mister Negative were the same person, when the two came into conflict, and in the aftermath of the battle, Brock had witnessed Mister Negative turn into Martin Li.

During his conquest of taking over as the crimelord of New York, Mister Negative came into frequent contact with the Hood, who opposed him at every turn.

He eventually discovered that Silverfang, the very man who had pushed him into a life of crime, had abandoned his criminal organization and life, and adopted a new identity of a Chinese Humanitarian named Shen Quinghao. He had managed to capture Cloak and Dagger and had them working for him as he developed a drug known as “Shade” – however, he was captured by the authorities and arrested. He would not remain in prison long, however. While being transported, he was rescued by Cloak and Dagger, who were still under his influence; and they had escaped to Shanghai, where he continued his production of the drug called Shade, which rose in popularity and his syndicate quickly rose in power.

Mister Negative had tried to use Peter Park to give Shen Quinghao the Shade Drug, so that Shen would reveal his true identity and his true past in the public; however, things had not gone as planned and Mister Negative was forced to take matters into his own hands, unaware that Peter Parker was Spider-Man and ready for them. Spider-Man had developed a “cure” for the Shade Drug and had managed to free Cloak and Dagger from it’s influence – but this had bought time for Mister Negative to corrupt Shen; but the camera was destroyed so Mister Negative commanded Shen to jump off the roof; but he was saved by the now free Cloak and Dagger.

Cloak and Dagger tracked Mister Negative to Shanghai, swearing to take him down and bring him to justice for having done what he’d done to them.

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (White as Mister Negative)
Hair: Black (White as Mister Negative)

Powers: Due to the exposure of an experimental drug known as “D-Lite” from the Maggia, Mister Negative is able to harness and control versions of the Lightforce and Darkforce; and when doing so, they appear to have photographic negatives appearance.

Through the use of these powers, he’s displayed a few powers resulting from them:

  • Shape Shift: Mister Negative is able to shift his form from his “Martin Li” body to his “Mister Negative” body.
  • Super Human Strength
  • Imbue Objects With Darkforce
  • Healing Touch
  • Corrupting Touch / Mental Control

Note: Mister Negative speaks both English and Mandarin fluently.