It’s difficult to believe it’s been 19 years. 19 years since NewWarriors.com went live. Many years before NewWarriors.com went live, I had been running it on a Geocities (who would eventually go on to be purchased by Yahoo) for many, many years. I had even made an eGroup (also eventually purchased by Yahoo) for the New Warriors which – back in the day – had become extremely active.
19 years ago, my wife knowing what an avid fan of the New Warriors I was, went ahead and surprised me and purchased the domain as a gift for me. It’s been a fantastic 19 years. This site has evolved from a very, very, very simple site, to synopsis of the entire New Warriors run, then the additional of a lot of the solo titles. I created a New Warriors Facebook Page and Group, and the group has been seeing a good amount of activity these days! (Be sure to check out the links on the right side of the page!) Corey (who runs a New Warriors page), Doug (who runs the best Nova related website) and myself even ventured into podcasting about the New Warriors, though that venture was short lived due to busy schedules. (Every blue moon, literally, I do another episode just by myself, between the assortment of other creative ventures I have my fingers in).
I’ve had the good fortune of meeting Fabian at a few cons and getting things autographed and discussing my passion for the New Warriors.
Here’s to the future, and hoping we get to see the New Warriors getting another shot at the title.
- Tawmis