Little is known about the hero calling herself “Sun Girl.” She seems to use a form of tech that allows her to fly. Her wings seem to be composed of an unknown energy source. Doctor Otto Ovatvius, who took over Peter Parker’s body and life, adopted the guise of “The Superior” Spider-Man and went on a violent streak where he fought Cloak (now Tandy Bowen) and Dagger (now Tyrone “Ty” Johnson), assaulting Cloak by punching her in the face when they had tried to stop a set of would be robbers. Superior Spider-Man’s fight escalated, and landed him in Hell’s Kitchen, where he fought Daredevil. Others he fought, and for no specific reason, included Gravity, Power Man & Iron Fist, Sun Girl, Moon Knight, and even Doctor Strange.
Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iv/sun-girl