Life for Andrew Chord has been a normal one; but that would drastically change when he began his career in the army during the Vietnam War. With his unit, who called themselves the “Half Fulls”, they searched for a possible locations to create landing bases for American Aircrafts. His unit consisted of himself, Daryl Taylor (the father of Night Thrasher), Diego Cassaes (later known as the Left Hand), and the other men who would become the fathers of the team that would become The Folding Circle). Just north of the Se Kong River in Cambodia, they stumbled across a mysterious building known as the Temple of the Dragon’s Breadth; along with an English speaking Cambodian geriatric named Tai who restrained them via magic.
She explained that they needed to mate with the six women from their cult, and that their children would grow up to be very special. Five of the six men agreed; only Daryl Taylor refused his mate, because he was already married back in the states.
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