There is very little known about the origin of Genecide, other than her obsession with the destruction of the New Warriors member, Namorita. She became the leader of an extremist team known as Eugenix, where the members were known as I (One), IV, VII, IX, XI and XII. (There’s potentially members for II, III, V, VI, VIII and X, but we will likely never know). Each of these members were superhuman, each with their own, unique ability. They all followed Genecide and her terroist ideals of genetic purity. Like Genecide, I and IV were also able to visually analyze a target’s genetic structure; and could determine any genetic imperfections, or even mutations that were in that person’s genetic makeup.
Genecide and her team of Eugenix, frequently attacked hospitals, eradicating those who were hospitalized due to illness; believing that by removing those who were still alive thanks to modern medicine, they would remove the weaker genetics in the world, and allow the human race to begin it’s next step of evolution, by providing only the strong be allowed to survive.
Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/enemies/g-h/genecide