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Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: “Hero” (English translation of Batal)
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Syrian Government
Citizenship: Syrian Citizen With No Known Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Syria (Exact location unknown)
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: New Warriors #58 (V1)
History: Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin. Riding with him is none other than Sabra. Just as they arrive at the UN Building, there is an explosion as terrorist make their appearance. The Prime Minister tells Sabra to refrain herself, and to let the American heroes, the New Warriors, to handle the situation.

Justice, Firestar and Speedball are only happy to oblige to stopping the terrorists and their attack. However, just as it seems as if they have defeated the terrorists; through means unknown, the terrorists turn their own powers against the Warriors. While the Warriors remain distracted, another terrorist makes his way to the vehicle of the Prime Minister. When he tears the top of the car open, he’s surprised to see “The Star of David” – and then a punch that sends him soaring into the sky.

Sabra leaps out of the car and begins taking down the terrorists with calculated ease. Inside the Peace Conference, the New Warriors meet the Syrian Super Soldier, Batal. Immediately, it becomes evident that there is hostility between Sabra and Batal.

Inside the UN Building where we see Sabra and Batal continuing to verbally slander one another. Mr. Pachiuk forces both sides to cease. As they paced the UN Meeting, guarding against any exterior attack when suddenly Sabra’s eyes light up, and with one vicious hit, delivers a neck shattering attack on Batal, before she turns and fires upon the UN Council.

Height: 5’11″
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: Unknown.

Weapons: Batal carries an assortment of weapons, ranging from guns (both metal and plastic), as well as star shaped shields (used both offensively and defensively).

Note – Unfortunately this would go on to be an unanswered question as to who had been manipulating Sabra, and why the terrorists who attacked all wore costumes and armor that bore an uncanny resemblance to Batal’s own armor.