Night Thrasher #4 (2024)

The issue opens up with the streets of Harlem in a state of complete revolt; on one side you have the Harlem police led by Captain Armez and on the other side, every day citizens, following councilman Ikolo. Among those fighting along side the citizens of Harlem is the young crew, whom Elvin Daryl Haliday, better known to most as Rage – a former Avenger and a former New Warriors member – but now on the streets, he was going by the name “The O.G.”

Elvin had been captured and arrested by the police just before the chaos had ensued and now Night Thrasher and Silhouette were trying to find a way to calm both sides. While Night Thrasher tried to calm Captain Armez, Silhouette used her powers to teleport around and get people out of the line of danger.

Realizing the situation is escalating faster than they can control, Night Thrasher uses some knock out gas to render the people (and police) unconscious, while he frees Councilman Ikolo – Silhouette grabs the councilman and the police captain and teleports them to the new abandoned Taylor Foundation.

Meanwhile, Night Thrasher leaps on his newly designed motorcycle and manages to break into the prison van that has Elvin; and promises to help. Silhouette appears and teleports Night Thrasher and Elvin back to the Taylor Foundation. When Elvin appears, this enrages Captain Armez who is sick of vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and says he swears he will arrest Elvin again and draws his gun. Elvin lunges at him, and despite Night Thrasher’s best efforts to stop Elvin, Captain Armez fires; but manages to misfire, striking Councilman Ikolo in the chest.

Ikolo is rushed to the hospital by Silhouette who reports he should survive; because he’d thankfully been rushed to the hospital. Night Thrasher talks to Elvin and Captain Armez and explains that both sides need to work together not against each other.

A few weeks later, Night Thraser (as Dwayne) and Silhouette are flagged down by Councilman Ikolo who is sporting a cast and explains it should be fine; and that he’s hosting a special market to highlight local food; and that he’s employed many of the people whom Elvin had trained to help around the market. (Side note: Oddly enough, weeks later, these people whom Elvin trained are seen wearing the same exact hooded outfits…)

Dwayne and Silhouette meet Captain Armez in the Taylor Foundation, where the Captain hands over the paperwork that signifies that Elvin is now Taylor’s responsibility but he still needs to complete thousands of hours of community work for the crimes for which he was responsible; but this had all been worked out through the plea deal that they’d made.

The series/issue wraps up with seeing Night Thrasher on his motorcycle, with Silhouette and Elvin (side note: I refuse to accept his name as “The O.G.”…) running together, with the promise that they’d do everything they could to make a difference in Harlem…