Cloak & Dagger – Negative Exposure #1

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The issue begins with Cloak and Dagger pursuing something known as a “Brute Demon” through the streets of Los Angeles. It’s revealed here that Dagger is dating Detective Brandon Ikeda, who is in a helicopter pursing them and telling Dagger to back off and let Cloak handle it. However, Cloak is forced to save some innocent people, leaving Dagger to chase the Brute Demon along the freeway, until it grows tired of being hit by her “light daggers.”

In the meantime, as Cloak teleports the people he rescued to safety, he’s spotted by a woman on a motorcycle, who seems quite attracted to him; but he takes no immediate notice.

Cloak teleports back to Dagger and pulls the Brute Demon into the dark force dimension of his cloak; before teleporting next to the helicopter in the sky and releasing the Brute Demon to fall to the ground, colliding with full force and momentarily stunning it, allowing special forces to subdue and imprison the Brute Demon. After the fight, Dagger and Detective Ikeda get into a dispute about how she didn’t listen to him when he was telling her to back off and to let Cloak handle the situation. During that fight, the same woman on the motorcycle who saw Cloak release the people he’d saved, rides up to Cloak, introduces herself as “Vi” (which she explains is short for Vivian) and says, what she saw him do may have ruined all other men for her.

Vi continues to flirt with Cloak, explaining that she’s definitely a hard Scorpio who overshares when she’s excited and that she’s a big fan of the dark and gloomy and asks Cloak if he would like to take her out to lunch – like now. At first Cloak seems hesitant but he agrees, and teleports himself and her (and her motorcycle) away, much to Dagger’s surprise.

Later, at Lambda Base in Big Bear Mountain, one of the men there is clamping on a device that weakens the Brute Demon; another man approaches, and throws it in reverse, which powers up the Brute Demon – that man reveals himself as being Mr. Negative. The Brute Demon thanks Mister Negative; and reveals that he’d done as he’d been asked – run Cloak and Dagger all over town and figure out what’s going on with them. It’s also revealed that Mister Negative has taken on a partner of great power.

Cutting back to Cloak and Vivian, they eventually land the plateau of Mount Roraima with some of the best sushi food available in San Francisco. Vivian asks what’s the connection with Dagger, and Cloak explains that they once dated, but broke up; and that he’d gone through some dark moments after that. Then she almost lost all of her power, and they realized, though they can’t be together, they’re better off working together and that she’d been the one to ask Cloak if he would be willing to participate with the detective that Tandy was now dating. When the date comes to an end, and Cloak returns home, he finds Dagger awake and watching a movie, waiting up for him.

The scene shifts to Mister Negative, who is pulled into a dimension; and a being that seems to look like a cosmic eye, demands that Mister Negative deliver Cloak to him.

Speaking of Cloak, the scene shifts to Seattle, where Cloak and Vivian are standing on the top of The Space Needle, and leap off and free fall for a moment before pulling her and himself into the Darkforce of his cloak and teleporting to Machu Picchu, Peru. As they crash into the water, they pull one another into the embrace of a kiss.

Sometime later, at the Silver Lake Reservoir in Los Angeles, Cloak, Dagger, and the police are gathered around a mangled body that appears to have been the victim of some massive animal; and Cloak and Dagger are brought on because this is the twelfth body they’ve found in this manner. A humanoid monster, almost like a zombie, crawls out of the water and feasts on the corpse’s arm, before being chased by Cloak and Dagger.

It leads them into a tunnel/sewer system, where – much to the surprise of Cloak and Dagger – there are many more of these creatures. During the fight – Dagger thinks to herself how perfect things are with Cloak – and how it feels great to be a part of a team – and how well they have always worked together – despite their complicated history. Working in unison, Cloak and Dagger easily defeat the creatures and hand them over. Cloak says he has to go, and Dagger remarks about how he can go run off with his witchy-poo girlfriend.

Dagger’s boyfriend, Brandon, manages to get the blueprints to the tunnel/sewer system, and they note there’s an area where it seems to be devoid of details and decide to go investigate together; where they encounter another nest of the humanoid monsters.

Speaking of monsters, back to Cloak and Vivian, they’re at an oil rig in the south China Sea, when Vivian leaps off the ledge and Cloak leaps after her, pulling her into the darkforce – where, rather than teleport – she runs around in the darkforce dimension with all kinds of monsters all about, with Cloak chasing her – with a smile on his face.

Back down in the tunnels, Dagger and her boyfriend Brandon are surrounded, when the person who changed the people into monsters – reveals himself – it’s Mister Negative – and he switches their influence from Darkforce to Lightforce, which Dagger has no power against.

In the Darkforce realm, Vivian finds herself trapped by one of the very monsters of the Darkforce dimension.