Cloak & Dagger – Shades of Gray #2

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The issue opens up with Tyrone thinking about the past; how he’d always been great at basketball and was expected to lead the team, but his stutter had always kept him quiet; except for this particular memory. He was speaking freely and leading the team.

It shifts to him being a prom king, and acing a test – which as far as he could remember – he’d never aced any test. Then he remembers a graduation speech, which also seems wrong – as he had quit school long before he’d ever graduated.

He then sees Tandy (Dagger) being thrown against a wall, begging for him to wake up as he lay slumped against a fence.

Tyrone finally woke up and realized, all of that had apparently been a strange dream, and he was actually in bed with Officer Jagger.

The scene shifts and Dagger finds herself fighting the monster that’s been killing people at the LAPD; her mind goes to dancing, and how she uses her dancing in her fighting; and though she’s almost misled by an illusion, she comes to and realizes it’s a lie – and headbutts the murderous humanoid (which appears to be none other than Grey, the friend that she believed Tyrone had accidentally killed).

The scene shifts to Rockslide Festival where Officer Jagger and Cloak are appointed to police the area; and Cloak thinks back to Grey, the friend he believed he had accidentally murdered, and how Grey’s fog power would ease the Darkforce hunger within him. Cloak recalls how he was sure he saw Grey feeding off someone’s energy; and how later, he saw him not only feeding off of Tandy’s light – but feasting – and that Grey was the first person Cloak had ever thrown into the Darkforce dimension as punishment and he’d come out – seemingly deceased, with his grey skin, and face locked in silent terror.

Cloak tried to call Dagger on the phone, while she’d been fighting Grey – however, she could not distinguish reality from illusion due to Grey’s fog-illusion-mental control. That’s when Cloak realizes, the villain known as The Scarecrow has captured one of the band members he was set to guard and is on the stage!

The next scene opens with Cloak, having captured Scarecrow into the Dark Dimension and releasing him and all of his crows; with authorities capturing Scarecrow. Cloak arrives at a nearby hospital where Detective Brandon Ikeda has been hospitalized and in a coma. Cloak teleports to Dagger’s apartment where he runs into the musician – Hap – whom he’d saved from Scarecrow. Ricky, who is one of the guards is also present – and together they establish that Dagger’s car was taken – but the person driving – was definitely Grey, who, Cloak confesses, should be dead.

Hap uses his social media to track down where Dagger’s car is located, and Cloak goes after Grey. When he arrives, he too is caught up in Grey’s fog-mental-illusion; and isn’t sure what’s real and what isn’t – in one instance, he’s fighting Grey and winning – before realizing that’d been in his head – but then Dagger comes to his rescue – but then she’s on the ground – tell him to grab her and teleport away – just as the building explodes.