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Real Name: Grey
Aliases: Grey, The Grey Man
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Thief, Vigilante
Citizenship: American Citizen with a Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance:
 Cloak and Dagger (Vol. 5) – Shades of Gray #1
History: Similar to Tyrone “Ty” Johnson (Cloak) and Tandy Bowen (Dagger), the young teenager who’d gone by the name “Grey” (it’s unknown if this was a part of his first or last name, or simply an alias he used), he was also a runaway.

He first met Tyrone, who by this time, had already been experimented on and become “Cloak” and discovered that his “grey fog powers” helped sedate the Darkforce hunger that existed within Tyrone. Tyrone convinced Tandy to come onto a train, where he and Grey staged a dramatic introduction, in which a grey fog formed around Tyrone who pretended to be sedated by it; before Grey revealed that he was the one behind the grey fog and Tyrone and he laughed about it.

Tyrone and Tandy quickly realized that Grey did “whatever it took” to survive and had no qualms using his powers to do so. He had used his fog powers to “fog the mind” of a hot dog vendor, so that he could steal a bunch of food because they were hungry. He then effortlessly stole a woman’s polaroid camera to snap some photos of themselves together, before telling Tyrone to return her camera once they had gotten the photo.

Grey before the change.

During one of their times running together, Tyrone spotted Grey, seemingly draining energy from someone and leaving them “unconscious” behind a trash can (what Tyrone had not realized is that the person had been murdered by Grey’s life absorption). A short while later, Tyrone discovers that Grey is absorbing – feasting! – on Tandy’s light powers and grows so furious – that he throws Grey into his cloak – the first person he’d even thrown into and out of the Darkforce Dimension – and when he came out, Grey’s skin was pulled tight, his skin a grey color, his face locked in a silent scream – Tandy and Tyrone had thought that Tyrone had accidentally killed Grey – and quickly fled the scene.

Grey had actually survived the ordeal, and sought out vengeance against Tyrone and Tandy. Grey waited patiently for his revenge – before taking action. He began to absorb the life of people where Cloak was present – including a female cartel member that Dagger was there to bust named “The Fix.” When Dagger discovered The Fix’s body – it’d been gray, skin pulled tight, face in a silent scream – her first thought was of when Cloak had accidentally killed Grey and believed Cloak was responsible, perhaps feeding his Darkforce Hunger.

Grey next attacks the LAPD, where Detective Brandon Ikeda, Dagger’s partner worked. When Dagger came after Grey, he used his powers to manipulate reality, and had managed to defeat and capture Dagger, taking her prisoner. This led to Cloak tracking down Grey and confronting him again; and after grabbing Dagger and being forced to flee – the duo formulated a plan and went after Grey once again.

This time, while Grey had tried to manipulate Cloak, Cloak used his powers to pull Grey into the Darkforce Dimension, yet again – this time, however, he did not release him back to Earth, instead he left him in the land of darkness, shadow and nightmares – a fitting place for someone like Grey.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (Grey when using powers)
Hair: Blond (Grey when using powers)

Powers: Grey displayed two specific sets of powers. He could emit a gray fog around him (at a very large volume, enough to fill an entire apartment). Those caught in his fog could have reality twisted and warped to whatever Grey wanted them to see. Also while in the fog, Grey could feed on people’s life forces. Grey also displayed the ability to manipulate, alter and remove people’s memories if they were in his fog that had lasting effects, long after no longer being in the fog.