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Namorita (Left), Eel (top), Sharkskin (Bottom), Undertow (Right)

During the Atlantis Attacks annual event, Namorita – the cousin of former ruler of Atlantis, Namor, found herself being attacked by a group of Deviants and Lemurians all in search for the same thing – The Horn of Proteus.

Eel, Sharkskin and Undertow, recognizing Namorita as the cousin of Namor – came to her rescue, because they’d been displaced by Attuma who did not seem them fit to be considered “Atlanteans” – so the trio had hoped to dispose of Attuma and see the much kinder Namor back on the throne.

Due to a mix up, Namorita leads the trio against the New Mutants briefly, before realizing her error – and they team up with the New Mutants (and this is when the Eel, Sharkskin and Undertow adopt the name of “Surf” as their “team name”).

Together, they return to Atlantis and help destroy the sea creature Ghaur had summoned by blowing the Horn of Proteus – and defeat Ghaur as well.

The members of Surf would re-appear, this time without Namorita, to attack an amusement park called Marine World (clearly a reference to Sea World), where they had wanted to free killer whales that had been held in captivity. The West Coast Avengers appear and the two teams tangle; until the members of Surf are convinced that the humans mean the killer whale no harm, and that they were for educational purposes not “amusement.” While the members of Surf agree to depart, they are disgusted and displeased at the idea, that these killer whales must perform tricks for food, which is clearly for entertainment of the humans.

First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #5

Alternate Reality Eel – First Appearance: Major X #2

Name: Eel
First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #5
Powers: Eel has the ability to stretch his body which included appearing to be very flat

Note – In an alternate reality in the pages of Major X #2, a version of Eel is seen and he fights Major X and Cable, serving the current Atlantean ruler Nomar (that is not a typo). In this alternate reality version, he still possesses the same facial features and looks very similar, however his hair is dark brown/black and his skin is pink flesh.



Alternate Reality Undertow – First Appearance: Major X #2

Name: Undertow
First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #15
Powers: Undertow has the ability to control water, generating blasts of water

Note – In an alternate reality in the pages of Major X #2, a version of Undertow is seen and he fights Major X and Cable, serving the current Atlantean ruler Nomar (that is not a typo). In this alternate reality version, his hair is blond in color, but otherwise looks almost exactly the same. It’s noted that he is a member of the Atlantean Royal Guard, so it can be presumed that both Eel and Sharkskin in this reality were as well.



Alternate Reality Sharkskin – First Appearance: Major X #2

Name: Sharkskin
First Appearance: New Mutants Annual #15
Powers: Sharkskin has extremely dense skin, making it extremely difficult to penetrate as well as enhanced strength. He also has spikes/ridges on his skin that are also extremely durable

Note – In an alternate reality in the pages of Major X #2, a version of Sharkskin is seen and he fights Major X and Cable, serving the current Atlantean ruler Nomar (that is not a typo).


Name: Namorita
See Namorita’s Profile for more details.