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Real Name: Chon Li
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Crimelord
Citizenship: Madripor Citizen with a Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Lowtown, Mandripor
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance:
Night Thrasher (Ongoing) #3
History: There is very little known about Aardwolf’s past. Despite being a crimelord, Aardwolf has a very good business sense, which allows him to run the organized crime syndicate which he has established for himself in the drug and gang infested Mandripor. Because he is a crimelord, he would rather have others do the work for him; but he’s been shown to get his hands dirty from time to time, when his “special powers” were required. Aardwolf had managed to trick and capture Night Thrasher, and convince him that Silhouette was not what she appeared to be; and that she was still working for the Concrete Dragons Gang; and that they were a part of Midnight Fire’s group called “The Folding Circle.” When Night Thrasher refused to believe him, Aardwolf provided video footage that showed Silhouette standing with the members of the Folding Circle. A fight broke out between Night Thrasher and Aardwolf, that had them tumbling out of a window and into the alley below where Aardwolf was rendered unconscious. Waiting there, Folding Circle demanded that Night Thrasher hand over Aardwolf. In the following moments, Aardwolf regained consciousness and escaped, only to be ambushed and defeated by the Folding Circle, who then took him to an edge and threw him in the river to drown. He was saved by Night Thrasher and Silhouette and the fight against the Folding Circle continued, until an agreement was made, that each would keep their turf and that Silhouette and Night Thrasher would be removed from the fighting.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Powers: Aardwolf has enhanced senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste) as well as razor sharp claws and teeth. It’s suspected that he also has a healing factor, though this was not confirmed.