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Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Terrorist
Citizenship: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affiliation: Undertow, Soldiers of Misfortune
First Appearance: New Warriors (V1) #53
History: Very little is known about General Obsidian before he joined the Undertow and the Soldiers of Fortune.

During his time with the Undertow he rose up in the ranks and often had been the one to communicate with Admiral Protocol, the leader of the terrorist group as well as finalize attack plans with the Soldiers of Misfortune, who were also a part of the terrorist group.

When Undertow and the Soldiers of Misfortune strike a team known as Air Force, comprised of Cardinal, Killer Shrike, Oriole, Sparrow, and Tanager – it’s noted that Cardinal had managed to escape, and Sparrow had been captured – but two of the other members of Air Force had been killed – it’s confirmed that Oriole and Tanager both perished.

General Obsidian is at this point told to take the soldiers to the Genetic Reinforcer and have them hunt down the remaining members of Air Force, and to take Sparrow to the Scanning Room to see if she is suitable for “conversion.” Sparrow is converted by the process and becomes a member of the Soldiers of Misfortune, known as Fast.

Sprocket points out that she doesn’t know why she ever agreed to fly the Warriors to Africa, since she no longer works for them; but she confesses that she is interested in learning what happened to Clendenon, better known as Cardinal. When the Warriors land, they take a look and see the death, destruction and dying. It is Speedball who locates the bodies of Oriole and Tanager of Air Force.

It is shortly after that that the Soldiers of Misfortune attack. Though only six in number, the Soldiers of Misfortune seem to be everywhere. They attack in viciousness and cruelty, and clearly without mercy.

The upcoming battle does not go unnoticed. General Obsidian and others sit around a table, and watch the battle through holographic means. From there, they give the command that Right and Wrong, of Soldiers of Misfortune attack Justice and Nova; Dark and Light against Firestar and Speedball; while Cut and Dry take down Namorita.

Wrong, who has the ability to warp perception, distorts Nova; at which time, Right, who has a disproportionate right arm, slams Nova with his fist. At the same time, Light blasts Firestar with beams from his eyes. At the same time, Dark who is capable of manipulating gravity, takes care of keeping Speedball out of the air.

Namorita goes after Cut and Dry; and when she swings at Dry, she suddenly finds he hand shriveled and sizzling. Cut is there to take Namorita down as she screams in pain from Dry’s attack.

It is then that the leader of the Soldiers of Misfortune finally reveals himself as a being called, Protocol.

With the help of Carlton, the New Warriors are able to track down the submarine being used by the Undertow terrorist group. The Soldiers of Misfortune, along with General Obsidian and Protocol are forced to escape through their teleportation portal – including Namorita, who by now had been converted to Kymeara, and Sparrow who was now known as Fast.

Some time later, inside of their submarine base, General Obsidian is speaking with his crew about something appearing on the radar. They’re baffled as to what it could be, because there is no way it’s a school of fish, nor is any kind of known man-made sub that they’re aware of, or else it would be generating more of a signature reading.

As they attempt to figure it out, certain that their hologram will fool whatever it is, they are surprised when several torpedoes strike their ship. Not only that, the torpedoes hit with such accuracy that it knocks out all forms of communication.

Night Thrasher and Rage burst into the ship, and immediately locate Namorita, injecting her to ensure that when she awakes, she would be free of Protocol’s control. From the corner of Rage’s eye, he sees something, but not before the large fist of Protocol slams him into the wall.

Night Thrasher looks around and sees no one, before getting slammed into a wall himself. Quickly realizing the attacker is invisible, he switches to infrared and spots Protocol. Pulling out a gun, he blasts Protocol, sending him flying back to slam into a wall, stunning him. Rage reaches for Sparrow, but Night Thrasher tells him there’s no time and that they have to escape – but this also provides time for the Undertow Organization to make their escape as well.

Height: 5’10″
Weight: 235 lbs.
Eyes: None, Irises Black
Hair: None
Powers: None known. It is unclear what has made General Obsidian’s features devoid of any color. It is presumed he could use this ability to blend into shadows effortlessly.

Accessories: General Obsidian seems to have an infinite amount of resources through the Undertow Terrorist Organization.