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Real Name: Samuel Saxon
Aliases: None
Identity: Publicly Known
Occupation: Freelance hacker, Robot Maker, mercenary, former professional criminal
Citizenship: American Citizen with a Criminal Record.
Place of Birth: Memphis, Tennessee
Known Relatives: Mother (Deceased)
Group Affiliation: Villains Anonymous; Masters of Evil VII; Skeleton Crew
First Appearance: (As Star Saxon) Daredevil #49 (1969); (As Mister Fear) Daredevil #54 (1969); (As Machinesmith) Marvel Two-In-One #47 (1979).

History: At the young age of 14, Star Saxon found the remnants of Doctor Doom’s “Doombots” – and took them apart and put them back together again, over and over, until he had mastered the understanding of complicated robotics, and went as far as creating his own robot from scratch. Sometime later, his mother, who disapproved of his robotics, fearing he would use them for evil, was caught up in a laboratory explosion that took her life. It was speculated, but never proven, that Star Saxxon himself had something to do with his mother’s demise; as such, since it was never proven, he collected on her life insurance money, advancing his robotics and going as far as creating near duplicates of existing heroes and villains; and used them to rob banks to continue his funding.

He eventually gained Tinker’s attention, who took him in and began showing him how to advanced his already astonishing understanding of robotics, and eventually earned Star Saxon a contract to build a robot to assassinate none other than Daredevil. This led to Saxon’s imprisonment eventually, when even Black Panther joined in on the fight against Saxon. While in prison, Saxon murdered Zoltan Draggo, the current Mister Fear, and took up his disguise. As Mister Fear, he claimed to be a reformed Zoltan Draggo and fought Daredevil; but in the process, Saxon had fallen to his death.

Several of his robots, on standby rushed to his aid; and unable to save him from his fatal wounds, instead downloaded his conscious into their system. He rose up as Machinesmith, but soon became despondent about being in a robotic body and triggered Dragon-Man and other robots to attack Captain America and SHIELD in hopes they would retaliate and destroy his memory banks, which he was programed against destroying himself. The damage was done, but he rose yet again, in another robotic body.

Eventually the New Warriors tracked him, suspecting he was creating a Techno-Virus; but Machinesmith proved to be too much for the New Warriors, able to jump to an assortment of robotic bodies he had handy. It wasn’t until Kaz, Grace and Aja, assumed the rules of robots similar to Nimrod, Hulk Buster and Destroyer, that they were finally able to put a halt to Machinesmith.

Height: 6’1″
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown (Reddish Brown, Now Bald)

Powers: Saxon has the ability to duplicate and move his consciousness between any form of technological connection – whether it’s through robotics, wireless, bluetooth – any form of connection from one machine to another. The robotic bodies he typically jumped to contained an assortment of powers, but almost all of them had: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, and Flight. Many of them were also capable of concussive blasts through their hands, eyes or even chest. He has also been able to duplicate his consciousness in several machines at the same time.