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Salem’s Seven was a group of magically enhanced superhumans; all of which were the offspring of Nicholas Scratch, who was none other, than the sole son of Agatha Harkness, one of the most powerful magic users. Nicholas had a number of wives; all of which bore him these seven children. Along with Nicholas, they all lived in New Salem, Colorado, where they practiced their ancient religion that allowed them to possess occult powers.

Though the members of Salem’s Seven could take on their normal, human forms; where they still had mystical abilities; it was when they changed into their magically enhanced forms, where their true power came forth.

Agatha Harkness left New Salem and sought to live among the outside world, where she had come to take care of young, Franklin Richards – the son of Sue and Reed Richards, of the Fantastic Four. Nicholas had Agatha and Franklin abducted and hoped to have her executed for turning her back on New Salem, but the Fantastic Four arrived and saved them both, and in the process had managed to get Nicolas banished to another dimension.

Sometime later, Salem Seven turned Agatha’s magic against her, and weakened her – and in doing so, had managed to capture her and execute her by burning her at the stake. However, Agatha’s spirit mentally influenced her pupil, the Scarlet Witch into going to New Salem – where she and Vision were captured. Gazelle had gone against the idea, and Vertigo – who was now deemed the Queen of New Salem – sentenced her, as well as Scarlet Witch and Vision to be sacrificed.

Vision broke free, and when Vertigo lost control of her magic; Scarlet Witch channeled the energy into the mountain, which exploded; and in the process apparently killed Salem’s Seven, along with other citizens of New Salem (called Salemites). A short time later, the spirit of the slain member, Thornn captured Scarlet Witch and pulled her into a dimension ruled by a being named Samhain; and the other members of Salem’s Seven (except for Gazelle) were there, seeking revenge. Agatha’s spirit was also bound in this dimension, and with the help of the Vision, she was able to break free and trap Samhain’s spirit in the existing members of Salem’s Seven.

Nicholas Scratch managed to finally break free of the dimension he was in and used his own magic to restore the members of Salem’s Seven; all of which, renounced their evil ways and even aligned themselves with the Fantastic Four, and later the New Warriors, when the Evolutionaries, designed by the High Evolutionary, sought to destroy the members of Salem’s Seven.

First Appearance: Fantastic Four (v1) #186

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warlock
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 6’5″
Weight: 310 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: (Normal) Black, (Mutated) Orange
Known Super Human Powers: In his mutated, Brutacus form; he possessed super human strength, whose levels were never fully tested. Even in his human form, he also was capable of wielding magic.


Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 145 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: (Normal) Blonde, (Mutated) Brown
Known Super Human Powers: In her mutated, Gazelle form; she possessed super human agility, whose levels were never fully tested. Even in her human form, she also was capable of wielding magic.


Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 6′
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: None
Known Super Human Powers: In his mutated, Hydron form; he possessed the ability to mystically project water from his left arm. Even in his human form, he also was capable of wielding magic.



Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 8’2″ (from head to tip of tail)
Weight: 420 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Known Super Human Powers: In his mutated, Reptilla’s lower half assumed the form of a snake; and each of her arms took on the form of a snake, where her hands took on the form of venomous snake heads. Even in her human form, she also was capable of wielding magic.


Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Known Super Human Powers: In his mutated, Thornn form; he possessed the ability to produce thorns and spikes on his body, which he could project and cause explosions. Even in his human form, he also was capable of wielding magic.




Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Known Super Human Powers: In his mutated, Vakume form; he possessed a number of mystical abilities, such as: becoming intangible, flight, create vacuums, and drain energy from living or mechanical things. Even in his human form, he also was capable of wielding magic.




Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Warrior, High Priestess of New Salem
Place of Birth: New Salem, Colorado
Legal Status: Citizen of New Salem
Marital Status: Unknown
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Known Super Human Powers: In her mutated, Vertigo form; she possessed the ability to lose their sense of equilibrium and experience vertigo. Even in her human form, she also was capable of wielding magic.