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Crashpod Podcast – Issue #1: “The New New Warriors.” It’s the first episode of the Crashpod (the New Warriors Podcast!) in which our beloved hosts, Corey Blake, Doug Smith and Tawmis Logue break down some discussion about the latest New Warriors series by Christopher Yost and Marcus To – as well as cover some of the new Nova series starring Sam Alexander, and even take a retro look at the original New Warriors series! Give a listen. Pass the word on. Tweet the link. Facebook it. MySpace it, if you’re still using that. Tumblr it. Basically do what you can to help spread the word!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #2: “Novas, Watersnakes and Warriors! (Oh My!)” Corey, Doug, and Tawmis finally got a synchronized schedule that allowed the three of them to finally sit down for a moment and talk about The New Warriors, as well as Nova. In this issue of the podcast, they cover issues #3, 4, and 5 of the new series as well as the original New Warriors series. They also cover issues 15, 16 and 17 of the new Nova series! In between all of that discussion there a lot of additional, well, discussion, of all things New Warriors! They discuss the writing, the characters, the personalities, likes and dislikes! All of it! This is what you have been waiting for! This is your Christmas present you never knew you wanted!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #3: “New Warriors, Nova, And Notifications.” Once again, after the forgetful Tawmis (blame the old age!) finally remembered to record (having forgotten two previously scheduled sessions!), Corey, Doug, and Tawmis finally got a synchronized schedule that allowed the three of them to finally sit down for a moment and talk about The New Warriors, as well as Nova. In this issue of the podcast, they cover issues #6, 7, and 8 of the new series. They also cover issues 18, 19 and 20 of the new Nova series! In between all of that discussion there a lot of additional, well, discussion, of all things New Warriors! They discuss the writing, the characters, the personalities, likes and dislikes! All of it! This is what you have been waiting for! And this time – the dynamic trio (that’s not going work!) even disagree on some things (about characters, and story arcs!) This issue of the podcast was plagued with problems! (As previously noted with Tawmis’ attention span and memory of a gnat, we also encountered some recording issues with Doug’s mic – so you will hear bursts of static near the end!) Oh! And one thing. This issue of the Crashpod is like your typical Marvel movie these days! You SHOULD know what that means!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #4: “The All New Podcast.” – So you’re probably wondering, “Wait, the last issue of the Crashpod was back in September… of 2014? I thought I read on the forum that the Podcast was over?” It was. Is. However, the podcast came to an end, because it was difficult to schedule a time between myself, Corey and Doug – to all be able to sit down for an hour and record. So while I was working on the site, I got it in my head that I would revive the podcast – but do it as a solo project. I may have Corey, Doug, or even other guests on in the future – but currently what I want to do is discuss whatever New Warriors related new there might be; and then progressively do a synopsis of all the issues of The New Warriors, the solo series the characters have been in, and such. It may be boring, because it is just me talking about the New Warriors. I don’t know. But I figured I’d give it a shot. This podcast begins with discussing all the characters who have ever been a member of the New Warriors, and what I’ve liked and disliked about them.
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #5: “The Warriors Gather.” Thought I’d do something fun and have some (what I thought was) difficult trivia in the podcast – with the answers revealed as I covered the issues in this podcast! This podcast covers Thor #411 (first appearance of Night Thrasher), Thor #412 (first official appearance of the New Warriors as a team), and New Warriors (Volume One) issues #1 through #4!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #6: “Time To Get Punished!” This podcast covers Volume One – Issues, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. A lot of issues covered; but this seemed to be the best route, because the next set of issues are a specific story arc, which I will cover in the next podcast, rather than break up that story. As a result of covering so many issues, I do feel like I talked a little faster than normal (trying to prevent an epic sized podcast). The podcast starts with some more obscure trivia – so let’s see who can remember these tiny, minute details that were in the comics! All the answers are revealed as I talk about each of the issues!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #7: Podcast of Present Past. So issue #7 of the Crashpod covers volume one, issues #11, 12, and 13, which are all a part of the Forever Yesterday storyline. So give it a listen. Let me know what you think. If you enjoyed it, the best thing you can do is share it around!
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #8 – What’s This Notification? In this podcast – after a four or five year break – I return and cover Volume 1 – New Warriors #14, 15, 16 and 17. These issues cover the return of Terrax and the return of Psionex.
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #9 – The Lies and The Truth. I am back and being more persistent. In this one, I cover New Warriors #18, 19 and 20. This is a pretty short episode because the next one will probably be long as everything comes tumbling down for Night Thrasher.
Crashpod Podcast – Issue #10 – Nothing But the Truth, Part One. – Diving into the dramatic story of Nothing But the Truth…
Crasjpod Podcast – Issue #11 – Nothing But the truth. Again. – Continuing to delve into the ongoing Nothing But the Truth story, which will change the New Warriors forever…