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The section for Darkhawk: War of Kings/Ascension page has been updated – code cleaned up and all the same. Go check it out.
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The section for Darkhawk: War of Kings/Ascension page has been updated – code cleaned up and all the same. Go check it out.
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Go learn about Darkhawk! Go on! Do it.
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Same as the other updates – updated the code, removed the cover images as thumbnails to click to go into the issues, for speed of the site. There’s still more I want to do among these pages (and other pages I already fixed) – but knocking out some of the more tedious stuff first.
So go on, go get some strange and read Strange Tales Volume 2!
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Same updates as the previous – cleaning up code, images, the works, to try and make the site run smoother and quicker.
PS: Personally, I love all the volumes of New Warriors!
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Same as before – removed the issues as thumbnails to click on to read the issue synopsis stuff, cleaned up the code, updated the pages so the site knows how to read it better, etc etc!
Go read about when depowered mutants became the New Warriors in Volume 4!
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Check out the six issue mini of New Warriors (Volume 3!)
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Did the same cleaning I’ve been doing (all previously mentioned) – and just go through volume 2 of the New Warriors that I have on the site.
Check out New Warriors Volume Two!
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Been taking out where I had images on the main page to click what issue you wanted to look at – now it’s all text to make navigation faster, quicker, less clunky. Image of the covers are still in the actual synopsis of the issue.
Short cut to see all 75 issues plus the four annuals is here:
Otherwise, because of how the menus work on the site – I broke them down into groups of 25 (except for the 4 annuals, they’re together on the same page) –
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Same thing as before – just code clean up. Check out the New Warriors Volume 1 Annual page.
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Same as the previous updates – cleaning up code and making the pages easier to move about and read from.