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(Note: This story takes place between the events of New Mutants #66 and New Mutants Annual #4)
The issue begins with Power Pack looking for Rebecca, when they encounter a ship; and attempt to signal it; but then are mistaken as attacking it. A figure blasts out, and it turns out to be Cannonball of the New Mutants. After clearing up the intent, Power Pack and the New Mutants gather together inside of Warlock, who had taken the form of a ship. Power Pack explains that they’re looking for Rebecca and comes up with an idea.
They have Warlock replicate Bogey Man’s newest form. Then have Katie put on sunglasses and appear to be Rebecca. With photos taken, they have Magik, of the New Mutants, teleport these to various police stations around several cities. That night, at the Power’s house, the news comes on showing the picture that they had taken on all the news channels.
Bogeyman shows up and kidnaps Katie next; and Warlock gives chase. The remaining New Mutants and Power Pack follow. Warlock points to Bogeyman’s base, where inside Katie is talking to Rebecca, still imprisoned and the Bogeyman is shown making a deal with the demon, N’astirh. The New Mutants and Power Pack teleport inside the base, and Bogeyman releases toy robots to attack them. Mirage reveals Bogeyman’s greatest desire – is a graveyard full of mutant children. Magik grabs Bogeyman and throws him into the Limbo, a place she once ruled. N’astirh claims that both Katie and Rebecca were too old anyway, but he must continue with his plan. (Which is later known as the event called Inferno which spanned several titles).
Rebecca finds that she’s learning to control her powers better; and when they get close to her home, she teleports back home to the happy arms of her mother and father. The New Mutants and Power Pack part ways; and Power Pack decides that it’s best that their parents do not know about their secret power.