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You can see the post on Reddit, here on the New Warriors reddit (I happen to mod!)
- Tawmis
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You can see the post on Reddit, here on the New Warriors reddit (I happen to mod!)
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Nova (v5) and Nova (v6) have both been updated. Pages, coding, that stuff.
Posted on Bluesky, and reposted here with their permission:
Recently joined others in going to Bluesky, so if you have an account – give us a follow!
Richard Pace wrote:
A little bit of nostalgia for my brief stint on New Warriors.
Black and red ink, white paint and wash on 7×10″ watercolor paper
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It’s true! This was a great find by Toshi Alibudbud, who posted this on the New Warriors Dot Com Facebook group!
Toshi wrote:
Originally, the New Mutants annual had Speedball as their guest-star instead of Namorita; they were supposed to defend Avengers Island from Tyrak and U-man. Also, Terry Shoemaker was supposed to be the artist instead of Rob Liefeld.
After reading this, the final panel of Avengers Annual #18 finally made sense.
Source: Newsline, 1989
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Did you pick one up?
There is also a different Speedball one – which I am kicking myself, since I clearly had digital copies of it from when I made this “Fred Hembeck” version of one of the alternate covers of New Warriors #1…
You can see that post over here.
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Same as the others – code clean up and such! And similar to Nova Volume 2’s update – I dragged the comics out – rescanned them – touched them up – made them pop – did some of my own coloring touch ups!
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This one was a beast of an update. Cleaned up all the code, per usual. On top of that, I went through and rescanned all 18 issues. I didn’t stop there – because of how great the digital covers Marvel has done for those that are on Marvel Unlimited – I wanted to try and get as close as I could to doing that kind of quality. This took a very long time to do for each cover – making the colors more vibrant, sometimes actually recoloring some sections myself, and what not! It was quite chore to knock this one out, but glad to have done so!
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Cleaned up the code of all the pages for volume 1, replaced my scans with digital versions of the covers. Much nicer, cleaner look, with easier navigation.