New Warriors #8, Nova #19.

New Warriors #8 (V5)

New Warriors #8 (V5) The issue begins with Mark Sim, Haechi, recalling the day that the Inhuman City, Attilan, hung over New York City just moments before Black Bolt had apparently decided to detonate the entire city of Attilan, and thus release the Terrigen Mist upon the world.

The scene shifts to the present, where Haechi finds himself surrounded by humans, also changed into Inhumans, by the name of Lash, Nocculus, and Sheath. Sheath threatens to cut out Sun Girl’s tongue, because she keeps snapping back at the Inhumans, questioning why they have the right to see who deserves to be an Inhuman or not. However, Nocculus reports the arrival of others – which include a mutant, superhuman, and one dressed as a spider.

Read the rest of it here: New Warriors #8 (V5)


Nova #19 (V6)

Nova #19 (V6) The issue begins with Sam Alexander, with his mother and sister, looking at a new apartment to live in, since their home was foreclosing. His mother signs the contract, and Sam barks back angrily at the manager that they don’t need a moving company; that he was going to do it himself. Inside the car, Sam’s mother scolds him for his tone, and Sam thinks to himself that he realizes he’s not angry about moving; but because he had recently discovered that someone had murdered the Watcher; and not only that, Sam had a vision of his own father – and it turned out, if the vision was to believed – that Sam’s father was not the great hero that everyone made him out to be.


Read the rest of it here: Nova #19 (V6)

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