Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Aegis

Trey Rollins grew up in a gang infested area of Brooklyn where violence was a part of everyday life. Most notable were two rival gangs called Born 2 Die and Lobo’s Boys. On his way to school one day, Trey heard something and followed it to an abandoned warehouse where he found the golden breastplate of Aegis.

Trey took up the breastplate and waged his war against crime and gangs in the area, earning himself a reputation among the people as a hero. Sometime later, when the New Warriors engaged in a battle against Blaastar, Nova got knocked out, landing in front of Aegis. Two fans of Aegis, young men named Lester and Payton tell Aegis that he has to help the New Warriors against Blaastar. Nova comes back to the battle, carrying Aegis, who helps them fight against Blaastar, finally defeating him.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_i/aegis

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