Marvel released a Youtube Video that highlights the newest members of the New Warriors and the writer provides some additional details. Additionally, at the same time, Marvel released an article on their website that provided even more information.
So from left to right we have: Screentime, Snowflake, Safespace, B-Negative and Trailblazer.
Note: Keep in mind those profiles are obviously a work in progress and I hope that the series reveals more information about that that I can use to fill out the profile further.
Daniel Kibblesmith, the writer of the upcoming (new) New Warriors series mentioned that he intentionally used “Internet Slang” for most of their names (Screentime: implying how much one is connected to the internet/their mobile device; Snowflake: a slang for indicating someone is “fragile”; Safespace: a term to indicate those who feel prosecuted for their gender, race, orientation, etc., can come to an area where they will not be judged). B-Negative, is an obvious pun on a blood type, but also “be negative.” And Trailblazer, he said was because she always charges into battle and ready for anything.

It’s undoubtedly no coincidence, that Snowflake (whose gender is identified as non-binary, and refer to themselves as “they/them”) is the twin to the one person who could always protect them (as the jock) named “Safespace.”
We’re told how B-Negative comes to their powers; as well as Screentime (though I am not sure what “being exposed to experimental internet gas” means?). Trailblazer is noted to have a magical backpack (so I assume, she will be similar to Shaman of Alpha Flight?) And the twins, there’s no note about how they have their powers (whether it was an experiment or if like Aurora and Northstar, they’re mutant twins).