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Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Mercenary
Citizenship: United States Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Midnight’s Fire
First Appearance: Night Thrasher (V2) #2
History: Next to nothing is known about Chagrin’s origins. She is hired by Midnight’s Fire (brother of Silhouette) to go around town impersonating his sister, and beating up some local game members (Concrete Dragons). Because she stuck to the shadows, and used what appeared to be crutches, similar to Silhouette, and dressed in Silhouette’s costume, those that had gotten the beating from Chagrin sincerely believed it to be Silhouette.
Her first attack is at the Papa Sin’s Billiards and Booze, where several members of the Concrete Dragons are playing pool and discussing the opportunity of bringing the gang back together. The lights out out, and Chagrin, dressed as Silhouette proceeds to easily beat up the gang members, specifically going after one of them named Wormley. She later observes Night Thrasher asking around about these supposed attacks by Silhouette. He confronts Silhouette, believing someone is impersonating her – but still accuses her of leading the Concrete Dragons in her brother’s place. Silhouette explains that it’s ridiculous and the two of them seek out the impersonator.
This brings them to a warehouse used by the Concrete Dragons, where Chagrin gets the drop on Night Thrasher, using her ability to keep talking, to keep Night Thrasher off balance. Silhouette steps into the fight and the two seem equally skilled; but this gives Night Thrasher enough time to pull Chagrin’s staff away, which then allows Silhouette to hit from behind. Chagrin confesses that she will tell everything, if Night Thrasher kisses her (which he does, after being told to do so by Silhouette). They discover that it was Midnight’s Fire that hired her to impersonate Silhouette and then find paper work that traces the hardware in the warehouse, back to Madripoor.
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 106 lbs.
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Black
Powers: None, revealed. She is physically fit with extremely athletic skills.
Weapon: Chagrin used a staff with expert effectiveness. She was also throwing objects with expert procession.