So back, in August of 2020, I posted a snipbit about how the New Warriors were almost known as the Young Avengers. You can read about it over here. Now, there’d been a proposal scan of all the pages and everything – but that was on Tom Brevoort’s old Tumblr or whatever – and the links to the images were long dead. Even through archive searches.
Well, Corey (of the awesome New Warriors Continuity Conundrum – please check out his site! He’s done an amazing amount of work chronicling the New Warriors appearances!) let me know that Tom Brevoort had posted the proposals on his new wesbite! (That link will open a new window to his website!) Now, normally I’d be good with that – just linking his site – but I am so paranoid now, after it was lost on the tumblr site he ran – that I have also uploaded it here, down below: