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Real Name: Aja (Last Name Unrevealed)
Aliases: Aja
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no criminal record.
Place of Birth: Punjab, India
Known Relatives: Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased)
Group Affiliation: New Warriors
First Appearance: New Warriors v4 #3
History: There is very little that’s been revealed about Aja, other than he had a difficult upbringing and that he too, along with Kaz and Grace, had been a run away. Aja, as a child, had been sold to the black market adoptions out of Punjab. He noted that Park Avenue Bluebloods couldn’t decide whether they wanted slaves or sons and daughters, and suffered an excessive amount of abuse at the hands of those who handled him, at a young age, which included, but not limited to, burning him with cigarette butts. The police had not done anything to break up the ring, until Donyell Taylor came along, in the guise of Night Thrasher (II) and broke up the ring and rescued and recruited Aja, who, much like Kaz and Grace, Aja also had a knack for understanding computers and technology, though he specialized in networking.
Height: 5’7?
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Powers: Aja has no powers that were revealed; but was recruited by Donyell Taylor because of her knowledge on technology and computer networks.