No (new) New Warriors series planned for the (near) future.

Per Tom Brevoort’s post:

Little Tiny Fish asked:

Recently you’ve mentioned or featured several members of the New Warriors (Nova, Night Thrasher, Dagger in Bloodhunt, as well as a new Namor title) and I’ve been making a meal of expectations out of the crumbs. With 90s revivalism in full swing, I couldn’t help but hope a new New Warriors series may be around the corner. However, now that you’ve moved to the X-Office, I assume they’re not under your purview anymore. What are the odds that you could/would champion the return of more stories around the classic (used loosely) team?

To which Tom replied:

Not really, Fish. It’s probably more the result of my having gotten the third NEW WARRIORS Omnibus recently, which reprinted most of the books that I edited in that line from back in the day. Seeing them again put them back into my mind afresh. I’ve wanted to do a NEW WARRIORS revival for some time, ever since I was prevented from doing one in the late 1990s. But the time has never seemed right for it at any point.

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