More BeefCakeBoss2 art!

Be sure to follow him on Twitter!

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Using DCUOnline creatively!

Jessika Tirado Cruz on Twitter made these amazing Namorita pieces…


Be sure to give Jessika a follow on Twitter.

#Dcuo #dcuonline #newwarrios #namorita #nitaprenriss #nita #creation #kymaera #comics #marvel #MarvelStudios

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More Darick Robertson art shared!

I’ve shared some of Darick’s art here’s shared on Twitter before – here and here.

Well, he shared some more and granted permission to share it here (I always like to ask before assuming!)

Check it out!

Be sure to give him a follow and some love!

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Speedball Marvel Legends

Speedball is available for pre-order, starting February 22, 2022!

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Black History Month – Impulse

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Real Name: Dwight Hubbard
Aliases: None
Identity: Known to Authorities
Occupation: Vigilante, Gang Member
Citizenship: American Citizen with a Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York
Known Relatives: Chantal (Sister, Deceased)
Group Affiliation: Psionex, The Initiative: Maryland
First Appearance: New Warriors #4 (V1)
History: Dwight Hubbard, much like the name sake he would adopt with Genetech, was an impulsive person, often acting before thinking. As a gang banger, Dwight made a name for himself, before Genetech took him in and experimented on him, turning him into Impulse. As Impulse, he had enhanced strength, agility, endurance and super human speed. The armor he was equipped with also had blades that were tainted with a powerful toxin that could instantly paralyze and render people unconscious. Impulse was one of the original members of Psionex, and as such, had several encounters fighting the New Warriors.

When the New Warriors fought against Terrax, only Mathemanic and Impulse remained from Psionex to help the New Warriors. Mathemanic was put into a coma when Terrax shifted the earth and buried Mathemanic under stone. Terrax also, with a swift strike, snapped Impulse’s back. Mathemanic eventually awoke from his coma, but Impulse remained bound in the wheel chair.

Impulse’s luck would continue to go poorly, as a young boy found the mask of the original Asylum, who had led Psionex and took it to show his older sister, Dorrel. The woman, intended to keep it and wear it, showed it to her boyfriend, who happened to be an extremely violent gang banger, by the name of Joachim, who beat her and took it from her. While wearing the mask, Joachim could suddenly see ‘the darkness’ in people’s souls, and his violent behavior escalated as he and his gang members simply began gunning down innocent people. One of those innocent people was Chantal, Impulse’s younger sister. He had witnessed the whole thing.

Later at his home, Night Thrasher (I) and Rage approached him and offered to help him, but he declined, only to have the new Asylum, along with Pretty Persuasions, Coronary, and Mathemanic. Asylum offered to clean up the streets, and get rid of the very gang members that had taken the life of Impulse’s sister.

During this time, Psionex became street vigilantes, helping put an end to crime.

Psionex turned up again, during the Superhuman Registration Act as a part of the Maryland Initiative Team. Their current whereabouts since then remains unknown.

Height: 6’1”
Weight: 205 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (None, Bald)

Powers: As Impulse, he had enhanced strength, agility, endurance and super human speed.

Armor: The armor he was equipped with also had blades that were tainted with a powerful toxin that could instantly paralyze and render people unconscious.

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Black History Month – Genecide

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Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: Unknown
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Unknown
Citizenship: US Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Leader of Eugenix
First Appearance: New Warriors (Volume 1) #63
History: There is very little known about the origin of Genecide, other than her obsession with the destruction of the New Warriors member, Namorita. She became the leader of an extremist team known as Eugenix, where the members were known as I (One), IV, VII, IX, XI and XII. (There’s potentially members for II, III, V, VI, VIII and X, but we will likely never know). Each of these members were superhuman, each with their own, unique ability. They all followed Genecide and her terroist ideals of genetic purity. Like Genecide, I and IV were also able to visually analyze a target’s genetic structure; and could determine any genetic imperfections, or even mutations that were in that person’s genetic makeup.

Genecide and her team of Eugenix, frequently attacked hospitals, eradicating those who were hospitalized due to illness; believing that by removing those who were still alive thanks to modern medicine, they would remove the weaker genetics in the world, and allow the human race to begin it’s next step of evolution, by providing only the strong be allowed to survive.

One such attack brings Genecide and Eugenix against Firestar, who happened to be at the hospital to check if her Microwave powers were damaging her body. The fight gets the attention of Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor), who owns the clinic being attacked; and he brings in his team, called Psionex, which he was leading at the time. Alerted by Firestar, the New Warriors arrive and engage in a fight against Psionex, believing that they are the problem. Genecide flees, taking Firestar’s doctor as a hostage; but Firestar and Night Thrasher catch up. Night Thrasher fires a shot and hits Genecide, who is able to use her ability to easily heal her wound. XI, of Eugenix swoops down and rescues Genecide, who throws her hostage to the heroes and escapes.

Later, Genecide tells her team that their next target is Namorita, of the New Warriors. Namorita is a clone, and thus an abomination that needs to be destroyed. A short while later, Namorita is captured by Genecide, who had impersonated Doctor Lowell, who Namorita had gone to see about why her mutations seemed to be happening so frequently. Namorita easily breaks free and uses her acid touch (one of her recent mutations) on several members of Eugenix; Genecide observes and becomes fascinated by what she sees in Namorita’s DNA. The New Warriors arrive and Genecide explains that she can tell Namorita what her body is going through; but Namorita doesn’t want to hear it. Genecide signals her members of Eugenix who begin causing destruction in the medical center, explaining that the facility specializes in clones. Namorita tells the New Warriors to save the clones; and Genecide and her team escape, while Aegis argued with Namorita that clones aren’t real people; and that’s when she reveals to Aegis that she, herself, is a clone; for which he later apologizes for; but by then, Genecide and her team are long gone.

Height: 5’11” (Varies, as needed)
Weight: 210 lbs. (Varies as needed)
Eyes: Blue (Varies as needed)
Hair: Purple (Varies as needed)

Powers: Genecide has the ability (unknown if it was a mutant power, or gained through a scientific “accident”) to ‘see’ the generic make-up of every person’s DNA. She’s literally able to see every dominant trait, recessive gene, even mutations within the person’s genetic makeup. Through this ‘sight’ of a person’s DNA, she’s able to essentially tell the type of person they are, or will become. She also has complete control over her own genetic make up, which allows her several interesting powers; such as adopting the form of any human (male, female), healing any wound (bullet wounds, radiation), with the full potential of such control of her own genetic makeup, yet unrevealed.

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Black History Month – Julia Chord

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Real Name: Julia Chord
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no criminal record.
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Known Relatives: Andrew Chord (Grandfather), Miyami Chord (Grandmother, Deceased), Silhouette Chord (Aunt), Tai (Great Grandmother, Deceased), Aaron Chord (Father), Mother (Unknown), unnamed Adoptive Father & Mother
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: A Year of Marvels: June Infinite Comic #1
History: Very little is known about the origin of Julia Chord, even Aaron Chord admitted to Sam Alexander that he was unaware of her existence until recently.

Aaron Chord, appeared at the County Fair seeking his daughter, but could find no trace of her. He assisted Nova (Sam Alexander) in saving some people on a ferris wheel that had come unhinged. It was then he spoke to Sam about looking for his daughter.

Aaron explains that his daughter is in danger, and in the hands of evil people who mean to abuse her powers that she’s been naturally born with, just as he was. After deceiving Nova (Sam Alexander) into helping him track down his daughter, Sam discovers that Midnight’s Fire was lying about how his daughter had fallen into the hands of evil people who intended to use her inherited powers. With the arrival of Iron Man, the truth is revealed that he had intended to sell his own daughter to people who would use her powers. However, Iron Man and Nova (Sam Alexander) would end up running interference and stopping Midnight’s Fire.

Height: 4’3?
Weight: 63 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: Aaron Chord noted that Julia’s powers were just like his, indicating, like all members of The Folding Circle; she is a mystically powered mutates who derived his power from the ancient Well of All Things. Her mutated power potentially grants her the peak of human possibility with enhanced speed, strength, agility, and sensory perception on par with Captain America. Note, that despite Aaron Chord saying that her powers were exactly like his, she displayed no such powers as of yet.

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Black History Month – Midnight’s Fire

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Midnight's Fire

Real Name: Aaron Chord
Aliases: “Mirror Brother”
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Mercenary, Street Gang, Folding Circle
Citizenship: American Citizen, with a criminal record.
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Known Relatives: Andrew Chord (Father), Miyami Chord (Mother, Deceased), Silhouette Chord (Twin Sister), Tai (Grandmother, Deceased), Julia Chord (Daughter)
Group Affiliation: Concrete Dragons, Folding Circle
First Appearance: New Warriors #2 (V1)
History: The origin of Midnight’s Fire truly begins with the Vietnam War. His father, Andrew Chord, who served with a military unit known as the “Half-Fulls”, had stumbled upon an ancient Asian Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth, who were guardians of the Well of All Things; an inter-dimensional Well that was bursting with an array of untapped mystical energy. The Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth had been breeding children who would eventually be capable of accessing the Well’s energies better than any other ever had.

Tai, who would be directly responsible for the creation of the New Warriors, was one of the adults who knew that she would be giving birth to the ones that would bear the children of ‘The Pact.’ She had given birth to her daughter, Miyami; and the other mothers followed suit. Tai, however, killed all that would oppose her, except for the children who would bear the offspring of ‘The Pact’ thus leaving Tai as the sole beneficiary of the Well’s powers when the time was right.

Tai arranged for Andrew Chord to marry and mate with her own daughter, Miyami. Andrew Chord married her and brought her to the United States, where soon after, she would bare twins; Aaron and Silhouette. However, fearful of Tai’s plans, Miyami faked their death and went into hiding. She had left her children in New York’s Chinatown, where they learned to survive. It was during this time that their mutate powers developed. Aaron adopted the name Midnight’s Fire, and with his power he was at the peak of human possibility with enhanced speed, strength, agility, and sensory perception on par with Captain America. He is also an unparalleled martial artist.

Midnight’s Fire and Silhouette joined a gang by the name of the Concrete Dragons, who were later wiped out by a rival gang named Poisoned Memories. Having endured this loss, Midnight’s Fire and Silhouette turned their attention to battling gangs, and during this time met Night Thrasher. Together, the three of them had formed an alliance. Night Thrasher and Silhouette developed a love interest with one another during this time.

In a later bust, Night Thrasher prevented Midnight’s Fire from attacking an interfering police officer, whose stray bullets left Silhouette paralyzed. Midnight’s Fire swore vengeance against Night Thrasher and left a scar on his left cheek. Midnight’s Fire then rebuilt the Concrete Dragon gang, this time arming them with AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) technology and sparked a violent altercation with police, that left three officers dead, in an attempt to draw out Night Thrasher. Night Thrasher, as well as the rest of the New Warriors, arrived to put an end to it. During the battle, Night Thrasher successfully defeated Midnight’s Fire, and returned the favor by leaving a scar on his left cheek as well. Silhouette disowned her brother, claiming he had no honor.

Midnight’s Fire was later freed and recruited by The Left Hand, who promised him to reveal the truth about himself, with a promise of more power as well. Midnight’s Fire remained with The Left Hand as he formed “The Folding Circle” – a team composed of all the children of ‘The Pact.’ Together, they had gone to harvest the power of the Well of All Things. However, the New Warriors arrived as well; and during the battle, they were betrayed by Tai, who planned to sacrifice the New Warriors and use the members of the Folding Circle as her Avatars on the World, during her quest for domination. The Folding Circle and the New Warriors teamed up to stop Tai, and successfully managed to do so; only when Night Thrasher shot her, at point blank range, with a machine gun (after she had been weakened). The result, however, was Tai, Night Thrasher and The Left Hand falling into the Well of All Things; but Nova managed to rescue Night Thrasher before it was too late. Barely escaping, the Well of All Things collapsed unto itself, sealing it, seemingly forever.

During their escape, the Folding Circle, under the new leadership of Midnight’s Fire, stole the Avengers Quinjet that the New Warriors had originally taken from the Avengers. However, they did not get far as they crashed the jet in Madripoor. It was there, that Midnight’s Fire encouraged the other members of the Folding Circle that they could take a piece of the drug money that was flowing through Madripoor. Aligning themselves with Tyger Tiger, the Folding Circle went after Aardwolf, only to be thwarted by Night Thrasher and Silhouette.

After the events of Civil War, in which several members of the New Warriors perished (Night Thrasher, Namorita, and Debrii), Donyell Taylor (formerly Bandit) adopted the Night Thrasher guise. Midnight’s Fire would appear again, this time working for a shadowed figure (unrevealed to be Lady Sphinx) and agrees to help Donyell get a number of items needed to create a time machine that would allow him to travel back in time and prevent Dwayne Taylor’s death. The ultimate purpose for Midnight’s Fire assisting Donyell remains unknown, as the attempt to travel back in time and prevent Dwayne Taylor’s death is unsuccessful.

Midnight’s Fire would appear next trying to reclaim his daughter, Julia Chord, from her adoptive parents. After deceiving Nova (Sam Alexander) into helping him track down his daughter, Sam discovers that Midnight’s Fire was lying about how his daughter had fallen into the hands of evil people who intended to use her inherited powers. With the arrival of Iron Man, the truth is revealed that he had intended to sell his own daughter to people who would use her powers. However, Iron Man and Nova (Sam Alexander) would end up running interference and stopping Midnight’s Fire.

Midnight’s Fire would next turn up facing off against Riri Williams, better known as Iron Heart. She discovers the Ten Rings but can’t find much in the way of information about it. Midnight’s Fire talks to her about how he is a part of this secret organization, and goes on to explain his origin to Riri Williams, revealing not only is Silhouette his sister, but she’s actually his twin. He is also goes on to explain that the Wellspring of Power, thought to have been sealed; he believes that the Wellsrping of Power still has other portal openings, yet to be discovered. He goes on to explain that the Ten Rings are gathering weapons; but in the end, Midnight Fire’s goal is the Wellspring itself. He extends an offer to Riri to join the Ten Rings. She declines, and later Riri collides with an enemy named Eclipse who is also a part of the Ten Rings.

She turns to Doctor Strange and Iron Man for assistance. Doctor Strange provides information about the Wellspring while Iron Man locates it in Wakanda, and provides Riri a contact there (Shuri), and is later joined by Midnight’s Fire’s sister, Silhouette.

They learn that Midnight’s Fire and the Ten Rings are trying to figure out how to make a sacrifice to the Wellspring without using their own lives (Eclipse was seeing raising zombies and creating “shadow beings” that drain life force), and that if they succeed they will have untapped and endless power. The trio arrive and engage in a fight with the Ten Rings, including Midnight’s Fire, and Riri’s biological father, going by the name Dune (who can manipulate the Earth). Okoye, from Wakanda arrives to give some assistance, but it’s not enough and Ironheart grabs the Stone of Hala and plunges into the Wellspring where she unleashes her potential and rises from the Wellspring, forcing the members of the Ten Rings, including Midnight’s Fire, to flee.

Height: 6’3?
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Powers: Like all members of The Folding Circle; Midnight’s Fire is a mystically powered mutates who derived his power from the ancient Well of All Things. His mutated power grants him the peak of human possibility with enhanced speed, strength, agility, and sensory perception on par with Captain America. He is also an unparalleled martial artist.

Accessories: Midnight’s Fire carries an assortment of spikes, which he uses with lethal effectiveness.

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Black History Month – Left Hand

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Real Name: Diego Casseas
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Military Soldier, Mercenary
Citizenship: American Citizen, with a criminal record.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Wife (Deceased), Daughter (Comatose)
Group Affiliation: Folding Circle
First Appearance: New Warriors #16 (V1)

The origin of Left Hand begins with the Vietnam War. Diego Casseas served with a military unit known as the “Half-Fulls”, and along with the rest of his unit, had stumbled upon an ancient Asian Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth, who were guardians of the Well of All Things; an inter-dimensional Well that was bursting with an array of untapped mystical energy. The Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth had been breeding children who would eventually be capable of accessing the Well’s energies better than any other ever had.

Tai, who would be directly responsible for the creation of the New Warriors, was one of the adults who knew that she would be giving birth to the ones that would bear the children of ‘The Pact.’ She had given birth to her daughter, Miyami; and the other mothers followed suit. Tai, however, killed all that would oppose her, except for the children who would bear the offspring of ‘The Pact’ thus leaving Tai as the sole beneficiary of the Well’s powers when the time was right.

Tai arranged for Diego Casseas Mack to marry and mate with one of the women. Six months later, she had come to live with him in the United States. They lived happily together, his wife giving birth to a daughter. However, tragedy would strike several years later, when an elevator with his wife in daughter in it slipped from its cables and fell several floors down to the bottom, instantly killing his wife and leaving his daughter in a coma.

Diego Casseas became obsessed with arcane magic, believing he could find a way to manipulate magic and bring his wife back to life and awaken his daughter from her coma. For ten long years, Diego Casseas studied and practiced magic, traveling all over the world, to gain whatever knowledge he could about the arcane arts. In that time, he discovered a way to wrestling the Darkforce abilities that had been born within his daughter and captured it for himself, extracting her powers and bringing them into himself, so that his left hand glowed with the Darkforce. Using those powers, he recruited the Folding Circle, which was made up of the children from his army unit – the children of the Pact – Midnight’s Fire, Smiling Tiger, Bloodstrike, and Silk Fever.

Together, they had gone to harvest the power of the Well of All Things. However, the New Warriors arrived as well; and during the battle, they were betrayed by Tai, who planned to sacrifice the New Warriors and use the members of the Folding Circle as her Avatars on the World, during her quest for domination. The Folding Circle and the New Warriors teamed up to stop Tai, and successfully managed to do so; only when Night Thrasher shot her, at point blank range, with a machine gun (after she had been weakened). The result, however, was Tai, Night Thrasher and The Left Hand falling into the Well of All Things; but Nova managed to rescue Night Thrasher before it was too late. Barely escaping, the Well of All Things collapsed unto itself, sealing it, seemingly forever.

Height: 6’1?
Weight: 205 lbs.
Eyes: Black (before becoming Left Hand), (As Left Hand) Pink Iris/Pupil (Black Sclera)
Hair: Black

Powers: Unlike the rest of the members of The Folding Circle; Left Hand’s power is a a combination of mystical arts he mastered and the Darkforce power that he had absorbed from his daughter. His daughter, in a coma, was like the rest of the Folding Circle, where her powers had been derived from the power of the Well of All Things.

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Black History Month – Chagrin

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Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Mercenary
Citizenship: United States Citizen With A Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Midnight’s Fire
First Appearance: Night Thrasher (V2) #2
History: Next to nothing is known about Chagrin’s origins. She is hired by Midnight’s Fire (brother of Silhouette) to go around town impersonating his sister, and beating up some local game members (Concrete Dragons). Because she stuck to the shadows, and used what appeared to be crutches, similar to Silhouette, and dressed in Silhouette’s costume, those that had gotten the beating from Chagrin sincerely believed it to be Silhouette.

Her first attack is at the Papa Sin’s Billiards and Booze, where several members of the Concrete Dragons are playing pool and discussing the opportunity of bringing the gang back together. The lights out out, and Chagrin, dressed as Silhouette proceeds to easily beat up the gang members, specifically going after one of them named Wormley. She later observes Night Thrasher asking around about these supposed attacks by Silhouette. He confronts Silhouette, believing someone is impersonating her – but still accuses her of leading the Concrete Dragons in her brother’s place. Silhouette explains that it’s ridiculous and the two of them seek out the impersonator.

This brings them to a warehouse used by the Concrete Dragons, where Chagrin gets the drop on Night Thrasher, using her ability to keep talking, to keep Night Thrasher off balance. Silhouette steps into the fight and the two seem equally skilled; but this gives Night Thrasher enough time to pull Chagrin’s staff away, which then allows Silhouette to hit from behind. Chagrin confesses that she will tell everything, if Night Thrasher kisses her (which he does, after being told to do so by Silhouette). They discover that it was Midnight’s Fire that hired her to impersonate Silhouette and then find paper work that traces the hardware in the warehouse, back to Madripoor.

Height: 5’6″
Weight: 106 lbs.
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Black

Powers: None, revealed. She is physically fit with extremely athletic skills.

Weapon: Chagrin used a staff with expert effectiveness. She was also throwing objects with expert procession.

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