‘Marvel’s Voices: Legacy’ returns February 2022 with a star-packed special celebrating Black History Month! Read more here: https://bit.ly/3CqCmD7
By the looks of it, Night Thrasher, despite being on the cover, will not have a story in these pages.
‘Marvel’s Voices: Legacy’ returns February 2022 with a star-packed special celebrating Black History Month! Read more here: https://bit.ly/3CqCmD7
By the looks of it, Night Thrasher, despite being on the cover, will not have a story in these pages.
I’ve talked about BeefCake Boss‘ New Warriors art several times before, but he just drew another New Warriors piece – Silhouette in her 90s outfit.
New Warriors fan, Michael Anderson shared these photos of the Firestar PVC Diorama!
I’ve mentioned BeefCakeBoss’ Art before on here.
And he simply keeps knocking out more of these (and he does other Marvel, DC, Image, etc., characters as well – so I strongly recommend following him on Twitter and Instagram).
Now check out his shop on Redbubble.
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What’s going on? Another episode of the podcast, you ask yourself? “But it’s not been a four year gap!” you decry. Well, you’re right. It’s not. I’ve been wanting to get back to this for awhile – and since my other podcast (Comic Relief Podcast) seems to be on hold; this has freed up time to return to this. While it’s odd just being a one person podcast and having no one to banter off of – I’ve gotten used to it and been enjoying it.
In this issue, I go over New Warriors Volume One – issues #18, 19 and 20 and stop there – because 20 onward leads into a big storyline that I figured I would cover in my next podcast.
So sit back and enjoy a very short episode of The Crashpod.
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I am going to link each of these – but I also wanted to capture the images for historical reasons on the website – because they are absolutely incredible.
Truly incredible.
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Sure, sure. Maybe the last time there was a podcast for this was… you know, somewhere, roughly (maybe exactly) around July 12…. um, 2017. And sure, yeah – that was like, well, just over five years ago… So why?
Why is there a notification that tells me there’s a new episode of this show I clearly thought was dead and gone? you might be asking yourself. (Now is the title of this episode more clear?)
Why? I mean. That’s a really great question, really. And honestly, I can’t say for certain. There’s a lot of stuff going on in my life right now – and I needed an escape. And I remember in my youth, taking great comfort in the pages of The New Warriors when it had debuted. Yes, I was drawn to it because Namorita was in it (those who know me know the uh… joke of my unnatural obsession with Namorita)… and because I recognized Firestar and Nova … and because the team debuted in a book I loved (Thor)… but the actual series, and what Fabian did with these … really “nobody” characters… and made them so life like. Gave them real problems that they couldn’t just punch and resolve. But they struggled. And together, relied on one another, and overcame. Together. I think this is why I came back and did this again. I needed that escape. That comfort. And took great pleasure reading through the next set of issues I would cover – which is, from Volume 1 – New Warriors #14, 15, 16 and 17. Issue #14 was pretty much a stand alone issue (Namorita vs Sea Urchin), which would have been really short to cover. But 15 through 17 cover the Terrax story.
So if you’re so inclined – check out the newest one – as always I do some trivia questions in the beginning related to the issues I am covering – so feel free to get those #2 pencils (or if you have a pen!) ready to write down some answers.
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This went on top of the cardboard display of some of the select new comics. This was for New Warriors, volume 2.
Another poster I have for the New Warriors that I scanned to have it here for archiving purposes.