Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Impulse

Dwight Hubbard, much like the name sake he would adopt with Genetech, was an impulsive person, often acting before thinking. As a gang banger, Dwight made a name for himself, before Genetech took him in and experimented on him, turning him into Impulse. As Impulse, he had enhanced strength, agility, endurance and super human speed. The armor he was equipped with also had blades that were tainted with a powerful toxin that could instantly paralyze and render people unconscious. Impulse was one of the original members of Psionex, and as such, had several encounters fighting the New Warriors.

When the New Warriors fought against Terrax, only Mathemanic and Impulse remained from Psionex to help the New Warriors. Mathemanic was put into a coma when Terrax shifted the earth and buried Mathemanic under stone. Terrax also, with a swift strike, snapped Impulse’s back. Mathemanic eventually awoke from his coma, but Impulse remained bound in the wheel chair.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/enemies/n-r/psionex/impulse

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Genecide

There is very little known about the origin of Genecide, other than her obsession with the destruction of the New Warriors member, Namorita. She became the leader of an extremist team known as Eugenix, where the members were known as I (One), IV, VII, IX, XI and XII. (There’s potentially members for II, III, V, VI, VIII and X, but we will likely never know). Each of these members were superhuman, each with their own, unique ability. They all followed Genecide and her terroist ideals of genetic purity. Like Genecide, I and IV were also able to visually analyze a target’s genetic structure; and could determine any genetic imperfections, or even mutations that were in that person’s genetic makeup.

Genecide and her team of Eugenix, frequently attacked hospitals, eradicating those who were hospitalized due to illness; believing that by removing those who were still alive thanks to modern medicine, they would remove the weaker genetics in the world, and allow the human race to begin it’s next step of evolution, by providing only the strong be allowed to survive.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/enemies/g-h/genecide

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Andrew Chord

Life for Andrew Chord has been a normal one; but that would drastically change when he began his career in the army during the Vietnam War. With his unit, who called themselves the “Half Fulls”, they searched for a possible locations to create landing bases for American Aircrafts. His unit consisted of himself, Daryl Taylor (the father of Night Thrasher), Diego Cassaes (later known as the Left Hand), and the other men who would become the fathers of the team that would become The Folding Circle). Just north of the Se Kong River in Cambodia, they stumbled across a mysterious building known as the Temple of the Dragon’s Breadth; along with an English speaking Cambodian geriatric named Tai who restrained them via magic.

She explained that they needed to mate with the six women from their cult, and that their children would grow up to be very special. Five of the six men agreed; only Daryl Taylor refused his mate, because he was already married back in the states.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/support/chord

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Sun Girl

Little is known about the hero calling herself “Sun Girl.” She seems to use a form of tech that allows her to fly. Her wings seem to be composed of an unknown energy source. Doctor Otto Ovatvius, who took over Peter Parker’s body and life, adopted the guise of “The Superior” Spider-Man and went on a violent streak where he fought Cloak (now Tandy Bowen) and Dagger (now Tyrone “Ty” Johnson), assaulting Cloak by punching her in the face when they had tried to stop a set of would be robbers. Superior Spider-Man’s fight escalated, and landed him in Hell’s Kitchen, where he fought Daredevil. Others he fought, and for no specific reason, included Gravity, Power Man & Iron Fist, Sun Girl, Moon Knight, and even Doctor Strange.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iv/sun-girl

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Meteorite

Valerie was the daughter of Amelia Barnhardt (Sprocket) and Donald Joshua Clendenon (Cardinal) during a one night stand in Rhodesia, during their days as mercenaries. Amelia never told Donald that she was pregnant and Valerie never knew who her father was. By the age of six, she was enrolled in a military academy and when Valerie was old enough, she left home and joined the Air Force, where she became an accomplished pilot. Amelia, her mother, was also an accomplished (helicopter) pilot. However, during her time with the Air Force, Valerie was raped by her commanding officer. Valerie would later retaliate, in an attack that left her commanding officer paralyzed. Because the rape was never properly reported, Valerie was held accountable for her actions that left her commanding officer paralyzed, and was charged as a criminal.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/support/sprocket/meteorite

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Sprocket

Sprocket’s one night stand in Rhodesia with fellow mercenary Donald Joshua Clendenon – who would go on to become The Cardinal – nearly twenty one years ago would come back to haunt her.

Preganant with Clendenon’s child, Sprocket decided to keep it a secret and not tell the would be father of their child, and decided to raise the child on her own. Born Valerie Barnhardt, she was enrolled into the military academy when she was just six years old. By the time she turned eighteen, Valerie joined the Air Force and eventually became a Lieutenant, until she paralyzed her commanding officer, who had tried to rape her.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/support/sprocket

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Speedball Villain Updates!

Thanks to Marvel Unlimited I was able to get much sharper resolution of the various menaces of Speedball. So now we have better images for Sticker, Ghost of Springdale High, Leaper Logan, Basher, Two Legged Rat, The Harlequin Hitman, and Bonehead! And on top of that, I have added the alien race simply known as The Cat’s Eye!

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Cardinal

Donald Joshua Clendenon is a Vietnam Veteran, who met Amelia Barnhardt (who later became Sprocket), and got her pregnant. It had been a one time thing, and he did not know until much later that he had a daughter by the name of Valerie Barnhardt (who went on to become Meteorite of the Redeemers). Clendenon came into possession of a power suit and adopted the name Cardinal, where he became a bodyguard for Jeremy Swimmingbear (also known as Sea Urchin). This job would bring him in direct conflict with the New Warriors, who had been tracking Jeremy Swimmingbear’s movements; which dealt with a Russian organized crime ring, trading stolen icons for sophisticated weaponry. Cardinal manages to defeat the New Warriors and make good of his escape. However, Cardinal would encounter the New Warriors, yet again, when the Warriors tracked down Jeremy Swimmingbear again. This time, both Jeremy Swimmingbear and Cardinal are captured; and Cardinal is placed in police custody.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/enemies/a-c/air-force/cardinal

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Scattered Updates.

I’ve been working on getting cleaner/smoother images!

Let’s just run down the list – Turbo (Mike), Wondra, Decibel, Tempest, Skybolt, Phaser, Longstrike, Chord, Firewall, Aqueduct, Skybreaker, and Asylum (I). And I added Sayge to the site.

These updates are true…
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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Left Hand

The origin of Left Hand begins with the Vietnam War. Diego Casseas served with a military unit known as the “Half-Fulls”, and along with the rest of his unit, had stumbled upon an ancient Asian Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth, who were guardians of the Well of All Things; an inter-dimensional Well that was bursting with an array of untapped mystical energy. The Cult of the Dragon’s Breadth had been breeding children who would eventually be capable of accessing the Well’s energies better than any other ever had.

Tai, who would be directly responsible for the creation of the New Warriors, was one of the adults who knew that she would be giving birth to the ones that would bear the children of ‘The Pact.’ She had given birth to her daughter, Miyami; and the other mothers followed suit. Tai, however, killed all that would oppose her, except for the children who would bear the offspring of ‘The Pact’ thus leaving Tai as the sole beneficiary of the Well’s powers when the time was right.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/enemies/d-f/folding-circle/left-hand

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