Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Debrii

Previous to Debrii’s debut on the New Warriors Reality TV show, there is very little known about her past. She was recruited by the studio to add “spice” to the show, in hopes of increasing the ratings.

Debrii’s appearance was not only startling to Terrax, but the New Warriors as well.The clutter and dust she’d kicked up proved to be the exact cover Terrax needed to escape. When Ashley, the show’s producer introduced Debrii as the Warrior’s newest member, there was instant conflict.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_i/debrii

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Aegis

Trey Rollins grew up in a gang infested area of Brooklyn where violence was a part of everyday life. Most notable were two rival gangs called Born 2 Die and Lobo’s Boys. On his way to school one day, Trey heard something and followed it to an abandoned warehouse where he found the golden breastplate of Aegis.

Trey took up the breastplate and waged his war against crime and gangs in the area, earning himself a reputation among the people as a hero. Sometime later, when the New Warriors engaged in a battle against Blaastar, Nova got knocked out, landing in front of Aegis. Two fans of Aegis, young men named Lester and Payton tell Aegis that he has to help the New Warriors against Blaastar. Nova comes back to the battle, carrying Aegis, who helps them fight against Blaastar, finally defeating him.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_i/aegis

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Bandit / Night Thrasher II

Donyell was the product of Daryl Taylor and a one-night stand with an unnamed woman. Growing up, Donyell developed an increasing amount of resentment towards Daryl’s legitimate son, Dwayne.

Learning that Dwayne had developed a relationship with Silhouette Chord, Donyell, adopting the name Bandit, seduced Dwayne’s estranged girlfriend before confronting Dwayne. Despite beating Dwayne severely, though evenly matched, Bandit became unstable and abducted Silhouette to lure Dwayne into the final piece of his vengeance.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_i/bandit and http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iii/night-thrasher-ii

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20th Year Anniversary of NewWarriors.com!

It’s difficult to imagine we’ve now hit the 20 year mark that NewWarriors.com has been alive! The New Warriors site I did originally started on Geocities (around 1995 or so?) and I had made it simply because there was no other New Warriors website around (that I ever found). December 13th, 1998 I would go on to make a very active New Warriors eGroup (though much like Geocities, Yahoo purchased eGroups so it eventually became a Yahoo Group) – and much like Geocities, eGroups /Yahoo Groups went away. But the one thing that never went away was the passion for The New Warriors. My wife surprised me (20 years ago, to this day!) by purchasing the domain newwarriors.com – and from there, this site has gone through a ton of revisions. I eventually created a phpBB forum on the site which is where most of the conversation migrated to from eGroups/Yahoo Groups when it came to discussing New Warriors. But by this time, another thing was making waves – and that was this thing called Facebook.

So I grabbed myself a New Warriors Facebook page, directed people in that direction; and the conversations continued. The New Warriors was doing good – we got a second, then a third, and then a fourth series. Then there was news of a New Warriors TV show – this was amazing news – until, one day, it was brought to my attention early in the morning that the Facebook page I’d created was gone – all the content – just… gone. But what was in its place? Well, apparently Marvel contacted Facebook and took over the page and set it up for the show. Even though it looks as if the show is dead in the water, finding no home; I never did get my page restored. But I had created a new Facebook page and Group, figuring as much! (I strongly recommend joining the Facebook Group rather than the page, as the Group is very active and fun!)

Some other ventures including trying to launch a (all too short lived) podcast with fellow New Warriors fan Corey Blake and Nova fanatic Doug Smith. Corey, if you didn’t know, runs the amazing New Warriors Continuity Conundrum and Doug runs the most detailed (and been featured in an actual issue on panel in a Nova Comic!) – the Nova Prime Page.

We eventually got a 5th volume of The New Warriors, written by Christopher Yost – and, sadly, even that was cut way too soon. This was the closest, I felt, that we got to what the New Warriors were all about. Despite these cuts, and a series coming to an end, the New Warriors community, has been a lot like the New Warriors. Strong. Durable. Verbal.

And it was just announced, in early January of this year, that a New Warriors limited series is coming, spinning out of an event from Marvel.

I want to thank the New Warriors community that I’ve spent 20 years knowing; and welcome those who I am still getting to know. I’d like to thank the creators who have used the characters from the New Warriors; and the creators who wrote, draw, colored, penciled and worked on the New Warriors. A very special thanks to Fabian who has always been the most approachable person at any Convention (indulging not only my New Warriors infatuation, but my Adam-X one as well) and Evan who has been kind enough to interact on social media and both of whom have joined our group.

Thank you one and all.

  • Tawmis
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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Rage

Twelve-year-old Elvin Haliday was visiting an unfamiliar neighborhood to trade some comic books with another boy when he was attacked by a gang of racist bullies. Elvin eluded them by hiding in the heavily polluted waters of Newtown Creek, but before he could climb out, Fisk Biochem workers dumped more illegal chemical waste into the creek, dousing him with it. Terrified and in pain, Elvin ran home to his only family, Granny Staples, and she nursed him back to health over a period of days. The boy recovered quickly, and in the weeks and months that followed, he went through a tremendous growth spurt that gave him a superhumanly powerful adult body. He was discouraged from seeking vengeance on his tormentors by the devoutly religious Granny Staples, who felt he should use his new powers for good. Fashioning a makeshift costume from a ski mask and a leather outfit, Elvin began operating as the super-vigilante Rage at the age of 14, targeting street criminals and drug dealers such as L.D. 50. He applied for membership in the Avengers, berating the team for their elitism and lack of visible minorities. Despite this obnoxious introduction, he was appointed a probationary Avengers reservist alongside Sandman after aiding the group in an otherdimensional mission. Though technically part of a substitute roster serving as backup for the active team, Rage was a frequent participant in Avengers cases, facing foes such as Ngh the Unspeakable, the Tetrarchs of Entropy, Doctor Doom, the Brethren, the Collector and Grotesk.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iii/rage

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Silhouette

In 1966 during the Vietnam War, an American recon patrol in Cambodia stumbled upon an ancient, hidden temple of a cult known as the Dragon’s Breadth, which had remained hidden for centuries. It had been built upon a well-spring of raw, primal energy called the “Well of All Things”. The inhabitants decided to breed a superior race that would one day unite with the ways of the west. They believed that this union would produce children capable of harnessing the power of the Well. The members of the recon patrol were to be the fathers of these children, one of these men was Andrew Chord the man who would become Silhouette’s father. Seeking a better life for her children, Silhouette and Midnight’s Fire, were brought to a woman to take care of them, away from Tai.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iv/silhouette

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Celebrating Black History Month – Spotlight: Night Thrasher

Celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth #BHM #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BHM2020 We start off with the most significant member of the New Warriors! #NightThrasher
Dwayne Taylor grew up believing his rich parents were killed by criminals for some unexplained reason. Taylor’s guardians, the ex-military sergeant Chord (a friend of his father’s) and the elderly martial arts master Tai, supported Taylor’s vow to make all criminals pay for their actions, helping him create the identity of Night Thrasher.

Read More Here: http://newwarriors.com/team_roster/team_members_iii/night-thrasher-i

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Microbe Resurrected?


Though he’s not named, and doesn’t actually having any speaking lines… one of the New Warriors seems to be back from the dead… and it’s not Night Thrasher… or Namorita… who we know will be in the new upcoming series…

But someone else… someone far more obscure who perished…

It would appear that Microbe was resurrected in the pages of Marauders #3 from the looks of things.

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Darkhawk Love.

Apparently Joe Q and Mike Manley were doing a “Drink And Draw” (I assume together, otherwise it’s weird that they were both doing and they both did Darkhawk)…

My Darkhawk digital layout from tonight’s @Drink_and_Draw. Maybe @urbanbarbarian will ink it if enough people pressure him into it. pic.twitter.com/MvXwC8LwBG— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) January 17, 2020

My Darkhawk sketch from last nights Drin and Draw with @urbanbarbarian and the @Drink_and_Draw crew @DannyFingeroth it was a blast pic.twitter.com/LMirC7jTry— Mike Manley (@TheMonsterman) January 17, 2020

Trying to calm my brain; and digitally coloring (by no means a professional, but fun to do regardless) – the recent #Darkhawk piece done by Manley and colored by me. (Yes, I skipped coloring Powell himself) – Decided to do the Joe Q #Darkhawk coloring too, while I was at it.

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A new New Warriors series is coming!

Hard to believe but it looks like the New Warriors will have a new title coming out this year. The folks of Syfy Wire dropped the news! A special thanks to Ross Hutchinson who made us aware on our Facebook Group.

The new book will be written by Daniel Kibblesmith, with art by Luciano Vecchio. Daniel said:

…We’re going with most of the original members, plus Rage and Silhouette with Night Thrasher, Namorita, Firestar, Speedball!

He also mentioned that Justice would be a part of it, with some interactions bouncing against Night Thrasher, due to Justice’s roll in the series Outlawed, which essentially deals with teenagers who possess powers of any kind can not be allowed to use their powers (as I understand it). He also noted that the exlcusion of Nova is because Nova is out there doing things in the Universe that keep him busy and away from Earth.

The core concept of the book is that during the events of Outlawed, the New Warriors have chosen a side and are recruiting unaffiliated new New Warriors to get the proper training that they need to survive in the world. The recruits (seen on both covers) are new characters developed for this series.

That being said; with what appears to be five new characters – plus Rage, Silhouette, Night Thrasher, Namorita, Firestar and Speedball; it does sound like it’s going to be a very heavy book in terms of characters.

Things I am already looking forward to, just based on the covers is the fact that Night Thrasher is once again back in his armored look rather than the trench coat. (No offense to whoever designed that, but the armor was very much a part of Night Thrasher). And that fact that Namorita will be appearing once again. Namorita’s state is one that’s been rather puzzling because of her demise in Civil War, then her time displaced version being brought back to the “regular” Marvel Universe (with pink skin), then a blue skinned Namorita being seen at the end of Christopher Yost’s run (a reference to a story he didn’t get to finish), then seeing Namorita with pink skin again in the pages of Fantastic Four and subsequent appearances. I am curious if there’s going to be any attempt to explain Namorita or just accept it and move on.

I am definitely looking forward to what this has to offer!

UPDATE: Marvel confirmed that the New Warriors and Power Pack series will both be 5 issues, and Champions will be ongoing in this updated article.

Now, that said – might I recommend you tell everyone under the sun to buy copies of New Warriors (and Power Pack) so that Marvel sees that they have a fanbase and consider launching an ongoing series.

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