New Guardians of the Galaxy Comic – Appears to include Nova and Darkhawk.

It looks like Nova and Darkhawk might be headed for the new Guardians of the Galaxy comic book. Also on the team: Star Lord, Phyla-Vell, Gladiator, Adam Warlock, Groot, Moon Dragon, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill.

There’s a concern of Who Will Stand When The Last Guardian Falls

Because it is a pretty large team, the catch phrase on the bottom might indicate that something big is going to happen and some of these characters might not be in the rest of the series after whatever happens. Whether that means that these characters drop off – or, what I am fearful of – they will kill some of these characters to give the story “impact” – that some will perish and not be a part of the series.

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Namorita #1

Corey discovered that Namorita apparently has a special, promotional one-shot series – that neither of us have been able to locate any information on. Corey took to Facebook while I took to Twitter. What’s very cool is that Fabian Nicieza has helped us on our quest to find out more (and I would like a copy – even if it’s a scanned copy – of the book!)


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Night Thrasher Marvel Legends Figure Revealed – NYCC2018.

Comment here or here.

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The Passing of Steve Ditko

Guest writer, Corey Blake of New Warriors Continuity Conundrum.

Just hearing news that Steve Ditko has died. He is one of the legendary creators of the Marvel Universe as the co-plotter, character designer and original artist for Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. He was the artist that established Iron Man’s red and gold armor, which has defined his iconic look ever since.

Later, after leaving Marvel, he also created The Question, a character that would later serve as the model for Rorschach in the seminal comic Watchmen. He created a new Blue Beetle, who was also the basis for a Watchmen character, Night Owl.

Later still, he created the cult hit character Squirrel Girl and one of my absolute favorites, Speedball, a bouncing bundle of energy.

Before all of that he cut his teeth on creepy, bizarre and weird horror and sci-fi stories that could’ve been episodes of the Twilight Zone.

He continued producing comics on his own terms right until the end, distributing them through 20 successful Kickstarter campaigns managed by his longtime collaborator Robin Snyder. His last one just concluded on July 4th.

His faces were always distinct. His characters often posed in weird and memorable angles. And he drew the best hands.

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New Warriors Crashpad on Discord.

I had made this almost a year ago, and had forgotten to officially post it on the site – but I made a New Warriors Chat Room on Discord.

Liam brought up on the New Warriors Facebook Group that he thought that the New Warriors community, that originally started back on eGroups, which was later purchased and became Yahoo Groups. But that group was founded way back in December 13th, 1998 – making it so that some of us – most of which have never met in person – have known each other for almost twenty years because of our passion for New Warriors. It’s amazing to me that this community I had started for a comic that had no real presence on the web back then (the original New Warriors Dot Com site was on Geocities; which ironically was purchased by Yahoo and decommissioned – but check out the evolution of site banners that were used), has managed to stay together in many regards, and forge these friendships over the years. Jeremy had written a touching piece about those forged friends back in the day.

Anyway – go go back to the point of this – I had made this almost a year ago, and had forgotten to officially post it on the site – but I made a New Warriors Chat Room on Discord. It’s now linked on the right under Social Media also.

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Cloak & Dagger (Volume 3) Added.

Are you looking for this issue? (Or any comic?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Cloak & Dagger (Volume 3)

The entire 19 issue synopsis of the third volume of Cloak & Dagger is now up – this volume of Cloak & Dagger was originally called The Mutant Misadventures of Cloak & Dagger because the story suddenly revolved around the idea that Cloak & Dagger were mutants, and that the drugs triggered their mutant powers.

The series goes on to show that Mr. Jip (one of the worse, all time, ever created characters, ever) spent a very long time (too long in my book) manipulating Cloak & Dagger. Then later, another write came along, and says that it was D’spayre who was there, all along, and that he was the one who led to the drugs being injected, because otherwise their lives would have been too good; and he needed to feed off that despair they emitted – oh, and that, because they were injected with the drugs, it somehow swapped their mutant powers (Tandy originally had the Darkforce, while Tyrone had the Lightforce). All of that said, to say – eventually the entire mutant idea for Cloak & Dagger would later be retconned as a lie from D’spayre.

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Cloak & Dagger – Predator & Prey added.

Are you looking for this issue? (Or any comic?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Cloak & Dagger (Graphic Novel): Predator & Prey

We have added the Marvel Graphic Novel featuring Cloak & Dagger entitled “Predator & Prey.”

The story revolves around a being living inside of Cloak’s shadowed cloak; and it resurrects an infamous murderer to commit vile acts and attempt to frame Cloak for them.

This issue also features the moment when Father Francis of the Holy Ghost Church is initially committed to a mental institute by the Church, due to his obsession with attempting to do an exorcism on Cloak in hopes of saving Dagger.

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Nova (Sam Alexander) 3D Helmet by Vak (On Twitter)

The twitter user, Vak has created the blue prints for the Sam Alexander Nova helmet, which they plan on getting done with a 3D printer.

Check out some of these image:

And see the rest of them on his thread: Sam Alexander Nova helmet.

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Power Pack (Volume 2) – Added.

Are you looking for this issue? (Or any comic?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Power Pack (Volume 2)

Power Pack (Volume Two) has been added to the site. I wasn’t originally going to add this, but it really does continue the original volume, since it does focus on the next steps of what happens with the Snarks and Kymellians; and it also has some of the Power Pack children displaying new powers.


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Strange Tales – Volume 2 – Complete.

Are you looking for this issue? (Or any comic?) – Consider using our Affiliate Link to help keep the site ad free: Strange Tales (Volume 2)

All 19 issues of Strange Tales (Volume 2) which feature Cloak & Dagger have the synopsis completed and available to read; so you can learn all the information you can about this dynamic duo that was briefly a part of the original New Warriors; as well as having launched their own successful Cloak & Dagger television show on Freeform!

Note: The issues were divided with one half dedicated to Cloak & Dagger and the other half dedicated to Doctor Strange. None of the Doctor Strange stories are included in the synopsis unless it directly connected to the existing Cloak & Dagger story line (which only happens once during the 19 issue run).

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