We’re honored to be the winner of the NPP (Nova Prime Page) Award!

We’re very honored to be the winner of the NPP (Nova Prime Page) Award. The Nova Prime Page is proud to offer the Centurion Award to high quality websites which feature Nova or characters and teams connected to Nova. If you would like to nominate your site or another site, please send me an e-mail. You can view previous winners on the Nova Prime Page right here.


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A Rich History – The Return of Rich Rider – Nova?

The Return of Richard Rider?

The Return of Richard Rider?

Well, when solicitations for October leaked; among the images was an interesting one. It was a picture of Rich Rider’s version of the Nova helmet (that he had most recently) with a note that said “Coming Soon.”

When Nova was originally created, Marv Wolfman had intended Nova to be a homage to Spider-Man; with his down to Earth roots and such. However, as it would turn out, he clearly became a “homage” to Green Lantern, with one of the Nova Corps (Rhomann Dey), who is dying, bestows the Nova Force to Richard Rider.

The original run of Nova ran for 25 issues, and brought Richard Rider into contact with several characters; including Thor, Condor, Power House, Diamondhead, and a reoccurring villain for Nova; the one known as The Sphinx.

cover-novav1n1As Nova, Richard Rider with the help of several others including ROM: Space Knight, put an end to the Skrull Invansion. By the end of his original series, he had ended up surrendering the Nova Force and returning to Earth powerless.

Richard Rider, and naturally the idea of the character Nova, disappeared into obscurity for quite some time, until he appeared several years later, as a part of The New Warriors in the pages of Thor #411 & Thor #412, where the New Warriors assisted Thor in battling the Juggernaut. The original New Warriors ran 75 issues, for which Richard Rider was a part of the team the entire time. During this run of the New Warriors, Richard Rider would also get another Nova series.

cover-novav2n1In this series, Nova fights – for the most part – a bunch of newer made characters; but a few of his “old time” foes, such as Diamondhead resurface to give Richard Rider a run for his money. By the end of the series, an alternate Nova comes bringing the Deathstorm; and because Nova refuses to listen to Queen Adora, of the Nova Corps, Rich is stripped of his powers once again; but eventually given them back.

Nova would once again disappear for awhile, after this series ran it’s 18 issues, until artist and writer Erik Larsen took an interest in writing and drawing Nova.

There was quite a bit of debate when Erik Larsen launched the new Nova series. Some people felt that he regressed the character back to how Richard Rider had been in the very first volume (and ignored all the development and situations Richard developed during his run on The New Warriors by Fabian & Evan).

cover-novav3n1There were those, however, that thought Rich’s version in The New Warriors was the one that was far more out of character, with the long hair and tough as nails attitude, which Rich had not previously shown. Regardless, the series Erik launched only lasted 7 issues; and did indeed hail back to the original series, bringing back Nova’s original villain, Condor and once again, Diamondhead appears, along with The Sphinx, who had played a big role with The New Warriors.

Nova would disappear; yet again. The next time he returned, it was for a quick four issue tie in to Annihilation. cover-novav4n4It was a quick four issue piece by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning. This really took Richard Rider off of Earth and put him in the center of a huge galactic event that was happening in the Marvel Universe. This was, without a doubt, the best space stories being told (the entire Annihilation event).

They also redesigned Nova’s outfit to a far more “cool” looking outfit and modernized the entire look. He wasn’t just a “buckethead” anymore; but his costume now had a great edge to it. In this story, we see the potential that Nova has in terms of power; and the lengths he will go to protect Earth; and well, the Universe, as he’s the one that is forced to put a stop to Annihilus by killing him in personal combat. Richard Rider returned to Earth to discover that the events of Civil War had happened, and learns that his former team mates were killed by Nitro; Nova returned to space.

cover-novav5n1This would launch (in my own, unbiased opinion, right?) the best Nova series to date. Nova remained in his cool, sleek armored look. Returning once more to Earth, Nova comes in conflict with Iron Man because of the events of Civil War; then Penance, who had been Nova’s former teammate Speedball, is send to capture Nova; and the two of them fight it out. Then the series goes on to bring on Gamora as a new love interest, and brings Rich in conflict with the likes of the Silver Surfer, Super Skrull, and finally the Shi’ar; as Nova tries to help his other former teammate, Darkhawk, in figuring out why he assassinated Lilandra, the ruler of the Shi’ar Empire. (To find out why Darkhawk had done what he’d done; check out the upgrades that Darkhawk also got in War of Kings / Ascension). Nova would team up with Darkhawk as well as Black Bolt of the Inhumans to battle The Sphinx, yet again by the time the series came to a drastic end. Richard Rider would give his life, using the Nova Force to trap Thanos in the Fault / Cancerverse. While others, also thought to have perished have returned, Nova had not.

NOVA_V6_N001Eventually, a new Nova would be launched – featuring a new character Sam Alexander. While initially not thrilled at the idea of Richard Rider being replaced (especially after thoroughly enjoying his latest series), when I learned that the character Sam Alexander was named after Jeff Loeb’s son, Sam, who had died of Bone Cancer in 2005; my heart softened. I ended up giving this new Nova a chance; and while initially, it was “entertaining” – it was missing something. I feel like when Duggan came on the book, it seemed to find it’s footing and pacing a little more as he brought in characters like Beta Ray Bill to interact with Sam Alexander from time to time, as Sam sought his father (who had also been a member of the Nova Corps). Sam would bump heads with Rich’s old foe, Diamondhead, and a few unique foes of his own, before finally finding his father and being reunited with him, bringing the series to an end.

NOVA_V7_001But, in typical Marvel (and Comics in general!) fashion, Marvel rebooted the title a short time after concluding the previous one, and kept Sam Alexander in the book. The story in this book begins with essentially undoing the entire previous volume, by explaining that Sam’s father isn’t even his father; but a clone to kill him and take his helmet; but the clone had become attached to Sam. This version of the Nova series would only last eight issues.

Many fans have been furious that Richard Rider, as Nova, has not yet returned; but characters like Thanos and Black Bolt have. A portion of those fans were also extremely furious about Sam Alexander taking over the role as Nova; and saw it that as long as Sam Alexander existed, that their beloved Rich Rider would not return. (Logically, this would make sense… But if you look at Marvel’s history; there’s currently two Captain America’s running around {Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson}, there’s two Thor’s running around {Jane Foster & Thor}, and – well, there’s probably more, but I think you can see my point).

The Return of Richard Rider?

The Return of Richard Rider?

Well, now it seems like Marvel is listening… and this hint has been “confirmed” that Richard Rider is returning and that he and Sam Alexander will star in an All New Nova Series. However, no creative team has been announced; so we don’t know who the writer and artist are (and yet, they’ve already supposedly got it all mapped out that both Rich and Sam are in the same title?)

I admit. I have my doubts that what Marvel has been alluding to is all that it appears to be.

I won’t believe that Rich Rider has finally returned until I see it in print. Because if you ask me, this sounds like a really familiar April Fool’s Day trick


UntitledI guess only… Time Will Tell.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides (Night Thrasher).


NOTE: The review will only cover the Night Thrasher story that takes place in Civil War II: Choosing Sides.

First, a little background about Night Thrasher. He was the founder of The New Warriors, and a leader of the team during a majority of its existence. During a time that The New Warriors had done a reality show, documenting the lives of super heroes, they fought several villains; one of them was Nitro. Nitro, after being slammed into a bus by Namorita, igniting himself; incinerating Namorita, Night Thrasher, and Microbe. Speedball survived, but suffered greatly and took up the mantle of Penance for awhile. Fast forward quite a few years, in the recent pages of Contest of Champions, Dwayne is plucked seconds before his death, and forced to be a part of the Contest of Champions. When the battle is over, he is (mistakenly) teleported back – alive, rather than returning him back to his time, just before his death. Now he finds the world has not changed all that much since his death and he finds himself in the middle of the second “Civil War” among heroes. And so begins, Civil War II: Choosing Sides

CWII-04The issue opens up in Times Square, where an alien invader is wreaking havoc; and we get a lot of great, internal thoughts about Dwayne and his life. How he had been given a privileged life, but not without it’s consequences. And it is through those consequences, that he has learned that he learned there is no such thing as “luck”; and that it never runs out, because it’s all an illusion to begin with. You can’t run out of something you never had. In all the chaos happening around him, we see cameos of (one of the Spider-Men, I couldn’t tell you which one), Nova (Sam Alexander), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Sam Wilson), and even Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers). There’s some great internal dialogue about Dwayne’s “dislike” of Tony Stark; and how they used to run in the same circles. There’s so much here that suggests how well tied in Dwayne is with the rest of the Marvel Universe.

CWII-02Dwayne has also done some wonderful modifications to his armor, as well as his Skateboard, which he is seen, once again using. He even makes mention to Tony Stark that it’s more than a “skateboard” now; though Dwayne himself, still calls it a Skateboard. His armor is able to pick up the  heartbeat of a young girl trapped in a bus, and Dwayne has a pretty cool, tender moment, rescuing this frightened girl, again using his newly modified “skateboard” as a tool to cut her free from the scrap metal that’s trapped her.

CWII-03The story does such a great job of giving us a look inside Dwayne’s head, and give us what he’s feeling; that it’s easy to see that writer Brandon Easton clearly has his finger on the pulse of this character – and that moment shines the best, when Night Thrasher does some cool stuff, and Iron Man gives him a thumbs up, and Dwayne thinks to himself, “I’m tempted to return a different finger to Stark.” That moment right there, pretty much nailed it for me – that I knew the rest of this story – and the handling of Dwayne Taylor – was going to be in good hands. Because in that single panel – that single sentence – I knew Brandon understood Dwayne Taylor.

And now, I eagerly look forward to see what comes next.

For the story centered on Night Thrasher in Civil War II: Choosing Sides, it gets an easy “A+” from me – in terms of story, pacing, dialogue, and art. This thing is a complete package; and I understand, you may hold back on buying it because you’re only purchasing it for one story out of the three; but I am telling you now, it’s worth it. Pick it up. Tell you friends to pick it up. Buy a copy for them – tell them why you picked it up – tell them about Night Thrasher. Tell them about the New Warriors. Get them interested.

Thoughts? Share them on the New Warriors forum. If you’ve not done so, you can register on the forum. Please read the forum registration thoroughly in order to successfully get you account activated.


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The Crashpod – The New Warriors Podcast #6 – Time To Get Punished!

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NWP_6The New Warriors podcast, The Crashpod, has just released “Issue #6 – Time To Get Punished.” In this episode of The Crashpod we have some more random trivia for New Warriors fans to reach deep into the back of their memories and see if they can pull out the answers to these obscure questions that are all New Warriors related to these specific issues! Do you think you remember the answers! Check out the podcast – all the questions are asked at the very beginning – then, throughout the podcast, each of those answers is revealed!

If it does not stream on the site, and you do not have an iTunes account to listen to it there, then you can right click this link and save the MP3 file.

Please considering sharing this on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets; as well as, if you do have an iTunes account, please consider rating us and leaving a comment there as well. It’s much appreciated.

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Preview page of Civil War II: Choosing Sides (with Night Thrasher).

Brandon Easton shared the following:

Here’s a preview page from my NIGHT THRASHER story in @Marvel’s CIVIL WAR II: CHOOSING SIDES! Art by Paul Davidson.


NIGHT THRASHER story in Marvel’s CIVIL WAR II: CHOOSING SIDES Written by Brandon Easton and Art by Paul Davidson. Please share this link and generate interest in Night Thrasher, and ultimately, the New Warriors.

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The Crashpod – Thew New Warriors Podcast #5 – The Warriors Comes Together.

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UntitledThe Crashpod #5 – The Warriors Come Together is now available for your listening pleasure! This episode of The Crashpod covers Thor #411, Thor #412, New Warriors #1 (Volume One), New Warriors #2 (Volume One), New Warriors #3 (Volume One) and New Warriors #4 (Volume One). The beginning of the podcast has several questions that are pretty obscure in some cases – how well do you know or remember the New Warriors? Check out the trivia.

Please give it a listen – and if you even remotely enjoyed what was mentioned in this issue of The Crashpod – please sure this around, since word of mouth helps greatly in getting the word out.

You can also download the podcast as an MP3 file.

You can discuss the podcast on the New Warriors Forum.  If you’re not already a member of the forums, please pay attention to the first step in the Registration Process.

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Take A Point, Give A Point (Forum) Game.

UntitledThe New Warriors “Take A Point, Give A Point” forum game has been posted. If you’d like to participate, please log into the forum and observe the rules in this thread and take part of the fun! If you have never registered on the New Warriors forum – you can register on the forum, but make sure you read the registration rules. There’s an email address to reach out to, in order to get your account active. Or you can directly message us on Twitter or the New Warriors Facebook page with your user name you registered with on the forum.

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Featured Character: Bolt



Real Name: Christopher “Chris” Bradley
Aliases: “Maverick”
Identity: Secret
Occupation: None
Citizenship: American Citizen, with no known criminal record.
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown Mother and Father.
Group Affiliation: Formerly a member of the New Warriors
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited #8 (1995)
Final Appearance: Weapon X #21 (2004)
History: Chris’s mutant powers manifested one day at school. He was contacted by Iceman of the X-Men. Chris also learned he had contracted the Legacy Virus. Although intially unsure of himself and his life, Chris decided to put his powers to good use.

He joined the New Warriors as Bolt, in hopes of making something of his life. As a member of the New Warriors, Bolt had worked closely with the team. However, it was in Namorita that Bolt had found a special friendship. She had been the only one of the New Warriors, he had confessed having the Legacy Virus to.

He also later found himself working with Maverick, a fellow mutant and Legacy Virus sufferer. The virus was cured through the actions of Colossus (Piotr Rasputin). However one day Nord mysteriously disappeared. Chris took up his equipment and the name of Maverick. While working with several other mutants as part of an ‘underground’ trying to free the captured Neverland prisoners, Chris as Maverick ran into Agent Zero… his former mentor now a loyal agent of the Weapon X Program. Chris tried to deal with Zero but was killed.

Height: 5’8?
Weight: 138 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Powers: Bolt could generate and manipulate electricity.

Accessories: None

Note: He used Nord’s weapons and armor while acting as Maverick.

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Featured Character: Blackwing.



Real Name: Barnell Bohusk
Aliases: Barry
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American Citizen With No Known Criminal Record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Charles Bohusk (Father), Kathy Bohusk (Mother), Angel Salvadore (Wife), Tito (Son), Numerous “Offspring”
Group Affiliation: New Mutants (formerly), New Warriors (Currently)
First Appearance: X-Men (Formerly), Exiles (Formerly), New Warriors
History: For Barnell Bohusk life would become extremely difficult when the “gift” of his mutant powers manifested themselves. His mutant power would cause Barnell to become horribly disfigured, and become what appeared to be a hybrid of a human and a vulture. Barnell was brought to Xavier’s School for the Gifted, and here – Barnell buried himself deep into his studies, and rarely ventured outward, perhaps ashamed of his disfigured appearance.

He found a friend in Hank McCoy, the X-Man known as Beast, thanks to their common link of a physical mutation. Barnell found himself constantly being mocked by his peers for having a seemingly useless mutation. This lead to Barnell entering a special class in Xavier’s School for the Gifted, that centered around young mutants with “less abilities.” It was here that the other students in this class began to look to Barnell as a leader, as he seemed to prove that he really had the drive to do something more than just being a “useless mutant with useless powers.”

This is also where he would eventually met Angel Salvadore, a young woman who like Barnell, was a mutant – but hers was more of a hybrid between a human and a fly; including veined wings, the need to vomit to use its acidic liquid to devour her food; and more importantly, laid eggs rather than bore children.

This last thing would greatly affect Barnell, as the two of them became close; and soon after, Angel Salvadore revealed her pregnancy to Barnell. Within five days, she had given birth to a number of children, who bore a resemblance crossed between Barnell and Angel Salvadore.

After a brief encounter with Xorn/Magneto, Barnell and Angel Salvadore, along with their children, took up residence on the Xavier’s School for Gifted Children. But their home life would be disrupted when the Exiles arrived at Xavier’s Institute and Barnell was forced to join them. He left Angel Salvadore and his children behind, unable to say goodbye to them; Angel Salvadore had assumed that Barnell had abandoned them.

Angel Salvadore went on to lead the life of a successful (and childless!) life of a plus size model, unaware of Barnell’s existence, thanks to the effects of Scarlet Witch’s “reality altering spell” that would later become known as “M-Day.”

After a number of exciting adventures with the time/reality traveling group, the Exiles, Barnell was returned to Earth and reunited with Angel Salvadore. Thanks to Scarlet Witch’s altering spell – Angel Salvadore, Barnell, and all their children (except for Tito, it seemed) had all become powerless.

Events would happen that would lead Barnell to leave Xavier’s Institute once again, and join the newly formed New Warriors. Barnell would later, after a month of observing Sophia, be the one to recruit a fellow mutant who had also lost her powers – the former New Mutant known as Wind Dancer.

Early in this newly formed team of “New Warriors” the team suffers a casualty when Longstrike, Phaser’s sister is killed. Night Thrasher is hard on the New Warriors and tells them that this is a war, and there will be casualties.

Sometime later, at the Appalachian Safehouse, Night Thrasher finds that the entire area is undisturbed. He had hoped that if Dwayne were still alive he would be hiding here. He does however, managed to snag some of Dwayne’s DNA for testing. As he exits the house however, he discovers he’s not alone and is confronted by Counter Force which consists of: Justice, Rage, Debrii, Slapstick and two of the Scarlet Spiders.

Both Rage and Justice try to talk to Night Thrasher but he refuses to discuss it with them and a fight breaks out – and just when it seems like Night Thrasher’s been captured – the arrival of the New Warriors tips the balance once more.

Throughout the fight Night Thrasher is thinking about how Justice and the rest of Counter Force think he’s a Skrull – while he’s wondering if it was Skrull who perished at Stamford, not his own half-brother. As the fight processes, Night Thrasher realizes that this has to end quickly.

He decides to stop the fight and unveil who he is. He explains his actions about looking for the truth about Dwayne – and whether he would ever take part of some reality television show as a part of the “New Warriors.” Justice steps up and informs Donyell that he can help – because he knows the location of Dwayne’s body.

The New Warriors, along with Counter Force, arrive at the Helicarrier only to find it under attack by Skrulls. The New Warriors and Counter Force get out of the plane as Night Thrasher crashes it into one of the Skrull ships. After that, they follow Justice onto the Helicarrier and begin helping the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents against the Skrulls.

As the New Warriors and Counter Force battle the Skrulls, Night Thrasher grabs Justice and enables “ghost mode” – allowing them to phrase through the floor. The others continue to battle the Skrulls – and just when it seems like they might be doing all right – the arrival of a Super Skrull, looking a lot like Nova, appears and tilts the odds back in favor of the Skrulls.

Meanhile Justice leads Night Thrasher to the bodies of what appears to be Dwayne and Microbe, with Nita’s ashes in a jar. Night Thrasher takes a sample from Dwayne’s body and begins the DNA comparison. All three turn out to be positive identifications – proving that the Dwayne, Namorita and Microbe did indeed die at Stamford. Night Thrasher turns to Justice and explains, he’s taking the remains with him. Justice, after a brief pause, agrees to help. They bury the New Warriors and create a memorial plaque for Dwayne, Namorita and Zachary.

Later, the New Warriors burst in through the roof and the Dread Dealers are subjected to Pym Particles and reduced in size.

Their victory is short lived however, with the sudden appearance of Sykes, Givens and the New Warriors Task Force. The New Warriors make a break for it – but Blackwing, who is carrying Night Thrasher gets tagged and the two crash to the ground. Panicking, Tempest screams out and doesn’t see the net shot at her – Wondra tries to push her out of the way but gets snagged.

One of the New Warriors Task Force members fires a shot – but Ripcord kicks him at the last moment. The shot hits the flame tank of another New Warriors Task Force member – and Ripcord stops to try and help him. Skybolt seeing that the tank is about to explode tries to get to Ripcord – he manages to grab her and start flying away – but the tank explodes, causing a blinding flash. Night Thrasher gets the other New Warriors together, and they quickly make their escape – unsure of the fate of both Skybolt and Ripcord. They later learn that both perished in the fire.

The New Warriors are later teleported to an alternate reality, in which Dwayne Taylor has become Iron Man, and Tony Stark has become Night Thrasher. Dwayne has become an evil corporate leader, and while Donyell struggles to not betray his brother, in the end he knows he has to stop him. After a long fight, the New Warriors defeat Dwayne, and return to their own time.

Donyell tells them to keep their tech equipment regardless, because they had definitely deserved it. As everyone exits the room, Wondra approaches Night Thrasher and the two seem to be ready to say something – instead, Wondra kisses Night Thrasher on the cheek then follows the others out of the room, leaving Donyell there to sit and think about all that he had done – and what he was going to do next.

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Black (as Beak), Brown (as Barnell)
Hair: White (as Beak), Brown (as Barnell)
Powers: None currently. Before the events of “M-Day” as Beak, his bones were light and hollow. His eventually grew feathers, which fully formed, may have allowed him to fly. In the meantime, he had managed to learn how to glide and fly, for short distances with practice and vast amounts of effort and strain to his body and endurance. He had also developed an incredible eye sight, and talons on his hands and feet.
Accessories: None

Note: As Beak, he had a number of children born with Angel Salvadore, but they never wed. The fate of their children, remains unknown, but it is assumed that they remained at Xavier’s Institute while Barnell went on to join the New Warriors and fight the Initiative.

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Featured Character: Bandit



Real Name: Donyell (Last Name Unrevealed)
Aliases: Donyell Taylor, Night Thrasher (II)
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Criminal
Citizenship: American Citizen, with a known criminal record.
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Known Relatives: Dwayne Taylor (Night Thrasher, half-brother), Daryl Taylor (father, deceased), mother (name unknown, deceased)
Group Affiliation: Formerly a member of the New Warriors, Thieves Guild
First Appearance: Night Thrasher #3
History: Donyell was the product of Daryl Taylor and a one-night stand with an unnamed woman. Growing up, Donyell developed an increasing amount of resentment towards Daryl’s legitimate son, Dwayne.

Learning that Dwayne had developed a relationship with Silhouette Chord, Donyell, adopting the name Bandit, seduced Dwayne’s estranged girlfriend before confronting Dwayne. Despite beating Dwayne severely, though evenly matched, Bandit became unstable and abducted Silhouette to lure Dwayne into the final piece of his vengeance.

Those plans were thwarted when Dwayne won the rematch, and although Dwayne was willing to reconcile their differences when he discovered Donyell’s true origin, Bandit departed, leaving the relationship between the two of them unresolved.

Bandit later reappeared when the New Warriors were scattered through time by Lady Sphinx (Meryet Karim), perhaps only because his lover, Silhouette had been one of the Warriors that had disappeared. Agreeing to lead this band of “New New Warriors”, they teleported to Egypt to begin tracking down where the Warriors had vanished to.

With the arrival of the original Warriors, they managed to defeat both Sphinxs’ when both Meryet Karim and the male Sphinx merged into a composite being and vanished somewhere into the past.

Troubled by their relationship, Night Thrasher parted ways with Silhouette and Bandit, on worse terms than before.

Years later, Bandit turned up in New Orleans. There he romanced Belladonna Boudreaux, leader of the Thieves and Assassins Guild. Although he furthered the guild’s criminal endeavors, he still felt that Belladonna’s ex-husband, Remy LeBeau (Gambit) posed a threat to them. However, when attacked, Gambit explained to Belladonna that Bandit had been manipulating her and that he still had not broken off his relationship with Silhouette Chord. However, before anything else could be done, the members of the guild turned on all three of them, but the guild was defeated and in the confusion Bandit left New Orleans.

During a televised raid by the New Warriors of a building in which Cobalt Man, Speedfreak, Coldheart, and Nitro, who had recently escaped from the Raft, resided. Namorita followed after Nitro. Slamming him into a bus, Namorita taunted him, but Nitro screamed he wasn’t the kind of loser that she was used to facing, she was in fact “playing with the big boys now”, before letting off a massive explosion that killed Namorita, Night Thrasher, Microbe, all of the children at the nearby elementary school, and all residents in the surrounding neighborhood where the fight took place.

Bandit took up the guise as the new Night Thrasher and formed a new version of the New Warriors.

See Night Thrasher II for more.

Height: 6’4
Weight: 300 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Powers: Bandit generates electricity and channels it through other objects, such as the grappling hooks he launches from a specialized crossbow; the hooks penetrate his opponent’s skin, and then open beneath it.. He uses throwing stars and other weapons as needed.

Accessories: None

Note: Bandit is an accomplished marksman, acrobat, and hand-to-hand combatant.

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