New Warriors Omnibus and Fabian Nicieza!

New Warriors

I remember when The New Warriors came out. My initial interest had been from recognizing Namorita from Sub-Mariner, Firestar from the Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends Cartoon (as well as her appearance in Uncanny X-Men #193), and Nova from his then defunct series. (I had also recognized Speedball, but I wasn’t an avid Spider-Man fan, so I just remember reading about him in an annual but not being overly impressed). Fabian with pen in hand wrote The New Warriors and changed everything I knew about them – and made them better. He even changed everything I knew about comics. Fabian delivered hard hitting stories about these characters who were finding themselves in complex situations. There were no easy answers. It wasn’t always just a simple “Good Guy vs Bad Guy.” These were characters, who were being so well developed, that you got to see how they sometimes questioned their own morals and actions, as they did things “to make a better difference in the world.” And oftentimes, you got to see what having these powers did to them rather than just for them.


New Warriors #1

Back in the days of (that may even pre-date some of you newly surfing the web type people!), I had searched the web and looked for New Warriors related websites. There wasn’t much out there, but then, developing such websites for comics wasn’t that big of a thing yet. So, I took what little know I had (emphasis on little knowledge) in terms of knowledge on website creation and developed a pretty simple site on Geocities, centered on The New Warriors. On Dec 13, 1998 (told you it was a long time ago!) I created an eGroup (since then purchased by Yahoo, who ironically had also been the ones to purchase Geocities!) for New Warriors. It didn’t take too long for the list to thrive and some great discussions were to be had! In Fen 2000, my wife surprised me by purchasing the domain “” for me to move my Geocities site to a “real” website.

Since then, I have been adding to the website, and trying to improve it as time permits.

So why all this rambling? Well there’s a reason! I just wanted to show my passion and pride at being a fan of The New Warriors, yes! But there’s more to it!


Fabian shared:

“So THIS is coming out on Wednesday! NEW WARRIORS OMNIBUS from Marvel. It’s been 20 years and I’m still proud as hell of the work we all did and excited to see our first two years collected in this fashion.”

Folks, that is TOMORROW!

And if for whatever reason your local comic store does not have it – you can pick it up on!

Anyway – in my excitement, I asked Fabian if he had time to answer a few questions, which he graciously did!

Q) What was some of the favorite things about working on THE NEW WARRIORS?

The raw excitement of getting to work on my first mainstream Marvel superhero book with Mark. The sense of satisfaction at having won a pretty long, grueling bake-off against other potential writers. The knowledge — real early in the process — that we were putting together something pretty exciting. ALL OF IT!

Q) Who was your favorite character to write?

Speedball, just for the sheer fun of it, but I really liked all of them for different reasons and the different perspective they brought to the book.

Q) What is it that you’re most proud of having accomplished in THE NEW WARRIORS?

That we took a concept that a LOT of people were either indifferent or outright disdainful off and created a title whose sales consistently went UP its entire first year of publication. It’s first issue sold 126,000 copies in the direct market, by issue #15 we were brushing 200,000. The very loyal fan support we had was very gratifying as well.


Q) You have us Psionex, Folding Circle, Forces of Nature, Lady Sphinx and several new (or revamped) villains that fought the New Warriors throughout your run? Is there any one of them you’re most proud of or enjoyed writing the most?

Probably Mathemanic was my most interesting concept and Pretty Persuasion my most “you gotta be kidding me”, but really since I was creating or revamping a lot of characters — even designing a lot of them for Mark to make better — the truth is I kind of liked them all!

Q) The roster remained pretty stable but you occasionally had folks like Rage and Darkhawk become “members” of the team (either permanently or on a temp basis). Were these things that were forced on you or something you had wanted to do?

Nothing was ever forced on me with WARRIORS. If anything Danny Fingeroth and then Rob Tokar helped guide me in making sure I didn’t overdo things! I brought in Rage and Darkhawk because I think it’s important to always tinker with your dynamics in a group book. Never let things get too settled for too long or they get boring. Plus they were teen characters in an “adult world” so it was good for them as characters to have the chance to interact with others their own age.

The truth is, at one point, as our sales were going up, the goal was to do a spin-off group book, and to do that I needed to seed enough characters into the mix to accommodate that. By the time we would have gotten there, after #50, sales weren’t strong enough to justify the second title so the plans never happened.

Q) We have seen several of the characters you wrote in the NEW WARRIORS appear during your run on the THUNDERBOLTS – how was that?

I don’t even remember, so many characters appeared in TBOLTS over such a long period of time. I’m sure some villains made their way over because I was comfortable with them and wanted to use them, but I don’t recall any of the main characters playing any significant part in TBOLTs.

New Warriors

Q) And finally, before you handed off the series to EVAN did you work closely with him – with what you had planned?

Not at all. I quit a little abruptly, for a variety of reasons, and I was glad Evan got the gig, but honestly — and he knows this so it’s not a secret shame — I didn’t read his run until YEARS after it was published. I really tend to NOT look at a title I have quit or been fired from even to this day. Although Evan was and is a great friend of mine, I didn’t want to know what he did with the book until I felt I could read it with a fair and open mind. Once I did, I enjoyed a lot of what he did and he had some interesting stuff happening. So I’d say I think he’s the SECOND best writer the Warriors have ever had . 🙂

Q) And for all the NEW WARRIORS fan who yearn for it – given the chance, would you return if they offered you free reign to do a NEW WARRIORS series?

Tell Marvel to offer it and we’ll see what I do! 😉

So you are seeing what I am seeing right? If we rush Marvel’s offices and protest and don’t let them leave until they give Fabian another swing at the New Warriors, Fabian just might take the offer! So what to do? I say (Note: Fabian had nothing to do with this part of the plan!) – email the main email addresses at Marvel:

New Warriors

Spidey office: –
X office: –
Heroes office: –
Hulk, Ultimate & All Ages office: –
Editors who recently handled these characters: (Bill Rosemann) (Lauren Sankovitch)

Me, personally? I’d write to all four of them in one email. What’s it going to hurt? Email’s still free to send!

Please share on Facebook, Twitter, email, comic book forums and if you’re one of those that still use MySpace, by all means, share it on there too!

You can discuss it on the forums or on the New Warriors facebook page.

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#Nova ws the winner of the #MarvelC2E2 costume contest. This may be the first Sam Alexander #cosplay we’ve seen at a convention! #Marvelgram #comics #Marvel #C2E2

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Nova Figure From Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Released.

Thanks V.J. Laina for letting us know this is out. It’s available at most stores, but we have found it at Walmart Online (apparently the cheapest place to get it). You can if you want go here to get it.


Photo: Look at what I saw in Target.



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Officially Announced – New Warriors Gets A New Series!

It would appear team DnA (Dan Abbnett and Andy Lanning) who helped relaunch and redesign NOVA are now taking on THE NEW WARRIORS.

In June 2008, that Abnett and Lanning had signed an exclusive deal with Marvel, which they hope will give them time to work on the “cosmic” characters they have been dealing with, as well as more earth-based ones. The first major work to emerge after this deal will be War of Kings, a crossover storyline, emerging from Secret Invasion, that pitches Black Bolt (and the Inhumans) against Gabriel Summers (and the Shi’ar Empire) but also draws in other teams and characters, including Nova, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Starjammers.

“So many of the characters who were members of the New Warriors are just out there – floating around, not being used. We’re going to bring them back together, slowly. That’s where the first arc goes,” affirms Lanning. “You know how we like to do stories and then only later on you realize how significant bits of those stories were in the long term? Like that.”

“Exactly what the ‘unfinished business’ they’ve got to finish next will take you by surprise,” adds Abnett. “You’d be amazed what sort of business isn’t finished yet. But will be. And when it is, what a problem that will be. And was. Sorry, was that confusing?”

In addition to action and intrigue, soap opera of the B Grade heroes variety will continue to infest the pages of THE NEW WARRIORS, be it Speedball’s taboo affair with a mysterious new character or the burgeoning relationship between Namorita and the (new?) Night Thrasher.

“It’s all romance from here,” teases Abnett. “Romance is the very heart of it. And kissing.”

Does this mean we will be seeing NOVA return?

“Our lips our sealed,” Abnett teased. “From all the kissing.”

Read The Full Article Here.

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Steve Scott Shares Original New Warriors Volume 2 Art.

Steve Scott

Steve Scott was the artist who worked with Jay Faerber in relaunching New Warriors Volume 2. While Volume 2 saw a number of different artists come and go, it had been Steve Scott who had been the artist for the initial launch of the series. Steve Scott recently shared on his facebook page, some scans of art that he had done that included his first work at Marvel – Wolverine #138 – but more importantly (and the reason for this post!) – his work on New Warriors Volume 2!

Wonder if I can poke Steve to share some of his other NEW WARRIORS art?

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Nova #1 Out – Your Thoughts?

NOVA #1 is out – what are your thoughts on it? Share it on our forum.

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Corey shares: “How The New Warriors Taught Me Diversity!”

From Corey:

So um… I wrote this: … to-change/

I’ve been writing for Robot 6 every week for about 7 months or so but this is probably my most personal.

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The New Nova Coming Out Feb 20th!

Blast off with preview pages from Nova #1 from Ed McGuinness: The new series by Jeph Loeb and McGuinness launches February 20! Who do you want to see Sam Alexander meet?
Blast off with preview pages from Nova #1 from Ed McGuinness: The new series by Jeph Loeb and McGuinness launches February 20! Who do you want to see Sam Alexander meet?
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Corey Reports More New Warriors News!

Unread postPosted: 15 Jan 2013 08:45 pm … ice_series

It’s been ten years, and Marvel Minimates have reached their 50th consecutive series! To celebrate, Diamond Select Toys and let fans vote on which characters they wanted to see, and DST made the most popular ones. The winning Minimates are Cyborg Spider-Man and Songbird, Ghost Rider and Onslaught, Baron Zemo II and a Nova Corps Centurion, and a variant set that has Baron Zemo I and a Nova Corps Centurion!These are the figures over 30,000 fans asked for, so Diamond Select gave them what they wanted! Each Minimate stands 2 inches tall with 14 points of articulation and a variety of removable and interchangeable parts and accessories.More on … z2I4yIcfr6
_________________ – lots of me


Unread postPosted: 20 Jan 2013 10:05 pm
With major team shake-ups across the Marvel Universe, Diamond Select Toys is kicking off another ten years of Marvel Minimates with updated costumes and characters! Series 51 includes Spider-Man and Nova (Sam Alexander), Shanna the She-Devil and Sauron, Nick Fury Jr. and Heavy SHIELD Agent and a rare variant set, Maria Hill with Heavy SHIELD Agent.Each Minimate stands 2 inches tall with 14 points of articulation and a variety of removable and interchangeable parts and accessories.

More on … z2IYWxXn7V


Marvel Minimates Series 51: Marvel NOW!
Marvel Minimates Series 50: Fan's Choice Series
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DH The Lurker With More New Warriors News!

#7 Cover by DAVE JOHNSON
#8 Cover by DAVE JOHNSON
Issue #7 = All about Arcade! How did the former punch line become the sadistic
scene stealer? Find out in this standalone shocker!
Issue #8 = A new story arc begins! What are X-23’s secrets…and what is
Darkhawk’s big reveal?
• It’s 2 chances in 1 month to discover why iFanboy calls AVENGERS ARENA “a ton
of fun” and IGN promises that “You will be convinced this series has taken the
kid gloves off!”.
32 PGS. (EACH)/Rated T+ …$2.99 (EACH)

Yay! Darkhawk!

Variant Cover by MARK BAGLEY
• It’s time for Sam Alexander’s Training Day. And with the Guardians of Galaxy’
s Gamora and Rocket Raccoon in charge, Nova soon learns that old lesson
“Practice Makes Painful!”
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99

I have this terrible feeling that when we get Richard Rider back it’ll be as an
insane Supernova…

Variant cover by JOE QUESADA
Variant cover by JOE MADIUERA
Movie Variant Also Available
• While London deals with the brutal Badoon invasion, the fate of the Guardians
of the Galaxy may have been decided millions of miles away.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99

DnA kept using Major Victory and Justice, I’ll be keeping an eye on this book to
see if Vance ever shows up…

MANY ARMORS OF IRON MAN VARIANT BY Mike McKone and Morry Hollowell
• In the wake of Superior Spider-Man, the world has learned to fear the Spiders
• When terrorists attack one of Houston’s most famous landmarks, Kaine’s ready
to put that fear to use!
• Yost & Pham continue year two of the world’s most dangerous super hero!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Anyone reading this? Still hoping for one of the MVP clones or old Ben Reily to
show up and challenge him for the name…

I’m sure there are other tangentially related NW books I overlooked…

DH the Lurker
(GotG are getting a movie, why not the NW?)

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